Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Who does not fall into the Net.?!?

Some of the latest activities of the readers lead me to reflect on the nature of web communications and weight that representatives of the citizens (and, more generally, all we) give or should give the information flow on the Web We can certainly say that with the three W dissemination of news has ceased to be a vertical flow in a pyramid, a few (journalists) to many (people) and is transformed into a continuous flow of data from many (network users) to many (ditto). The role of the journalist and journalism along with the change to our way to incorporate the information. Today we can express our views are posting comments and ideas on our Web pages, telling the facts (we are all reporters?) And compared with the opinions of others. Here is a Social Network, a website, a blog can become places where important to speak out: new virtual meeting places that remain even in all respects the characteristics of a real "town square" where all the talking, listen, you develop and express favorable opinions, doubts, doubts. If television was the new hearth of the '80s and '90s, the Net is the new "table" where many sit down to talk about everything with everyone. It would be a behavior miope sottovalutare la Rete e le sue incredibili potenzialità. Guai a non prendere in seria considerazione una realtà che è in grado di trascinare milioni di persone a compiere la stessa azione, a “condividere” qualcosa, seppur ognuno agendo dalla scrivania della propria abitazione, del proprio ufficio o dalla tastiera (fisica o virtuale) del proprio BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad. Non si può evitare di scendere nella piazza virtuale della Rete nell'era in cui il negozio di dischi più frequentato al mondo è iTunes, in cui molte famiglie non vanno al cinema ma acquistano un monitor 40 pollici e un'Internet TV, in cui i viaggi li organizzi da solo pagando online con carta di credito.. Se devi rendere pubblica un'informazione oggi get off the streets of your country with the megaphone shouting for hours or go to your favorite social network and within seconds you write on your wall what do you mean? Of course, the administrator of a small area (not all, like Obama, have to reach people from thousands of miles from the place of political action) must never lose the human touch with the people, can not give up the street, the square the "workshop". The representatives of the people must keep your eyes open and ears to be able to hear all voices, even the weaker ones. Can not help but seriously consider the fact proven, robust and powerful web Some data: Incredible as it seems solo il 70% dell'Italia è connessa alla Rete e poco più del 55% degli Italiani può navigare il Web direttamente da casa. Abbiamo dunque un accesso nazionale alla Rete non di primissimo livello, dato in totale contrasto con quelli di seguito: quasi 20 milioni di italiani hanno un profilo Facebook, nove persone su dieci sanno cosa è un Social Network, ragazze e ragazzi tra i 18 e i 30 anni hanno praticamente tutti una pagina Social (93%) e udite udite.. il 38% degli over 65 frequenta abitualmente i Social Network più in voga degli ultimi anni. Se da una parte scopriamo un Paese che ancora deve fare tanta strada per garantire a tutti i cittadini un servizio tanto utile quanto indispensabile (il collegamento alla Rete), dall'altra abbiamo an intergenerational people "browse", who wants to know and meet, inform, learn and share. If television has allowed large corporations to enter our homes through advertising, the Internet allows everyone to be part of the lives of relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers with a single click. Whoever does not grasp the power of this ..

NB data on the number of Internet users and social networks can not be trusted 100% due to the difficulty of properly monitor a physiological phenomenon in constant evolution and rapid growth. The above figures are the result of an arithmetic mean derived from the analysis of statistical surveys carried out in 2010 by three different research groups: Nielsen ( www.nielsen.com ), Gandalf ( www.gandalf.it ) and Vincos ( www.vincos.it ).


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