Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flu More Condition_symptoms

Banks and Bank Manager

What are the most bank managers' pay in Italy?

Of all the major Italian banks at least ten of them are on the rise according to data of 2009 for a good 12 percent, we see them are: the UniCredit

, Ubi, Credem BancoDesio, Bto, Mediobanca, Bpm , Montepaschi, Intesa Sanpaolo. According to these data the bank managers have already 'got their hands on announcing an increase in their salaries and bonuses in spite of the crisis rencente, obvious, the parameters of pay are directly linked to the profitability' of the bank including data on the solidity 'assets and the 'operational efficiency in its complesso.Ricordando that after seven years of growth stopped only last year, the wage increase the bank resumed its growth. Here is the table published by the sun 24 hours most of the Italian bank manager 'paid in 2009, while after the elections, the League began to put pressure on the Unucredit and his committee.

Angelo Caridi Edoardo Garrone
Carlo Puri Negri executive vp Pirelli Re
until 8 April 2009
14,000,000 includes compensation for early termination of the mandate for 9.4 trillion, non-competition agreement for a year of 3,000,000, two-year consultancy for 800,000 € per year)

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and Ferrari Fiat
p, c Tod's 5,116,700 4,542,000 referred as p Ferrari
Sergio Marchionne, Fiat to 4,782,400 of which 1,345,000 bonus
Pier Francesco Guarguaglini pe Finmeccanica to 4,703,000 of which 3,113,000 bonus
Paolo Scaroni Eni and General 4,271,000 of which 2,824,000 bonus payment for 2008 results and monetary incentive awarded in 2006
Corrado Passera and General Intesa Sanpaolo 3.500.000 di cui 1.500.000 bonus ed esclusi 311.000 di benefici non monetari
Cesare Geronzi  p Mediobanca 3.282.000 -
Jean-Claude Blanc  ad e dg Fc Juventus
(bilancio al 30 giugno 09)
2.671.000 compreso bonus 1.200.000 valore maturato che sarà erogato al termine del piano di sviluppo a medio termine
Alberto Nagel ad Mediobanca  2.560.000 -
Renato Pagliaro dg e c Mediobanca  2,560,000 -
Gian Marco Moratti p Saras 2,536,000 -
Massimo Moratti to Saras 2,536,000 -
Umberto Quadrino Edison 2,485,000 1,177,000 of which bonus
Giorgio Zappa dg Finmeccanica 2,283,000 of which 1,277,000 bonus
Giulia De Luca dg c Damiani

until August 6, 2008 (budget to 31 March 2009)
1,984,653 -
Roberto Colaninno p Immsi, eg to Piaggio 1,930,000 referred by Immsi 890,000 and 1,040,000 by Piaggio
Valerio Battista to Prysmian 1,918,367 of which 948,347 bonus
Giovanni Castellucci to Atlantia and gd 1,913,865 of which 903,654 bonus
Daniele Bandiera dg operations Piaggio
up to November 4, 2009
1849097 1364107 in severance End of charge
Massimo Di Carlo VDG c Mediobanca 1,804,000 -
Francesco Saverio Vinci VDG c Mediobanca 1,804,000 -
Mauritius Cereda VDG Mediobanca c, c Ansaldo Sts 1,802,000 -
Mario Moretti Polegato p Geox 1,800,000 -
Domenico Dispenza dg Eni 1,747,000 1,002,000 in bonuses for 2009 results and monetary incentive payment awarded in 2006
Luciano Benetton Benetton p 1,600,000 -
Claudio Descalzi dg Eni 1,506,000 772,000 in bonuses for 2008 results and monetary incentive awarded in 2006
Giovanni Bazoli p cds Intesa Sanpaolo, p Mittel 1,493,537 135,753 referred as p Mittel
Angelo Moratti vp Saras 1,373,606 of which 350,000 bonus
Sergio De Luca Ansaldo Sts 1,367,313 of which 183,000 bonus
Stefano Beraldo to Gruppo Coin
(balance sheet at January 31, 2009)
1,359,000 -
Enrico Salza p cdg, Intesa Sanpaolo 1,350,000 -
Giovanni Recordati Recordati eg to 1,309,095 -
dg Eni 1,290,000 di cui 648.000 bonus per i risultati 2008 e pagamento incentivo differito attribuito nel 2006
Alessandro Garrone ad Erg  1.262.096 di cui 200.000 bonus
 Francesco Micheli dg Intesa Sanpaolo 1.250.000 esclusi 95.000 di benefici non monetari
 Robero Cera  c Atlantia 1.236.631 di cui  55.500 per la carica e 1.181.131 compensi per consulenze allo studio Bonelli Erede Pappalardo di cui è associato
Luigi Clementi  p I Grandi Viaggi 1,214,000 -
Giovanni Cavallini p Interpump 1,183,000 221,000 in fair value of stock options at grant
Roberto Poli p Eni 1,165,000 of which 400,000 bonus for 2008 results and deferred incentive payment awarded in 2006
Luciano La Noce to Immsi, Piaggio c 1,147,000 -
Carlo Malacarne to Snam Rete Gas 1,146,000 544,000 in bonus
Fulvio Montipò vp and Interpump 1,137,000 of which 221,000 fair value of stock options at grant
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro Atlantia p, c c Edison Fiat 1,118,546 of which 847,546 Atlantia
Alessandro Benetton Benetton executive vp 1,100,000 -
Rosella Sensi eg to As Roma
(balance sheet at June 30, 2009) 1100000
Francesco Trapani Bulgari to 1,085,000 -
Guido Damiani Roberto Grossi eg to
Damiani (balance sheet at March 31, 2009) 1072000
Gerolamo Caccia Dominioni to Benetton 1,010,000 -
Dario Rinero to Poltrona Frau 1,000,000 of which 375,000 bonus
p Erg 969,857 -
Claudio Calabi ad Il Sole 24 Ore
fino al 14 dicembre 09
944.400 voce indicata come "altri compensi"
Dario Scaffardi dg e c Saras 933.151  di cui 300.000 bonus
Fabio Ignazio Romeo c Prysmian  913.045  di cui 357.306 bonus
Michele Pallottini dg finanza Piaggio 903.243 -
Aldo Mazzocco ad Beni Stabili 885.000 -
Piero Melazzini p Banca Popolare di Sondrio 879,000 -
Ugo Ravanelli to Marr 861,360 -
Giovanni Gorno Tempini dg c Mittel
(balance sheet at September 30, 2009)
768,516 -
Massimo Saracchi and General Marcolin 755,000 -
Giovanni Cobolli Gigli p Fc Juventus
(balance sheet at June 30 09)
711,000 of which 225,000 bonus

Monday, March 29, 2010

Famous Player Ontario


Tried that over 70 percent of the Italian bank invests in new technologies to bring the bank to stop cooperating with the traditional Internet bank, fast without physical branches and low cost does not Abi Lab announces cone must believe that we should proceed to a standardizazzione online banking because it distorts the natural competition that is created by the Internet medium, therefore be standardized means to participate in the great innovation of the Internet and not only as a showcase as a competitor who wants the challenge of today's markets. Innovation processes are banking but the trend seems essere quella di aspettare la maturazione totale della clientela che invece desidera azioni concrete dalle loro banche per poter usufruire di tutti i vantaggi che la banca online offre oggi in particolare la clientela giovane dai 18 ai 40 anni genera un bisogno in tal senso che non si soddisfa come il mercato oggi richiede, ultimo segnale in ordine di arrivo sono le classifiche delle banche internet pubblicate sui social network nazionali visitate da un sempre maggior numero di utenti che coinvolti dalle banche stesse riescono a interagire con i servizi bancari online in maniera diretta. In tal senso gli investimenti delle banche rivolti ai canali di vendita come internet sono ritenuti una priorità per due terzi delle banche Italiane. Il tutto se visto in un futuro vicinissimo servirà to interact with the public which would act amministarzione sizeable amministarzione generated from items such as electronic invoicing and advanced payment systems implemented in the context of taxation.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Irritable Bowel Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

What does internet bank

What is Internet banking?

By Alessandro Filippi

The bank on the Internet allows any customer to carry out all normal banking transactions through the website of the bank, which in turn will be responsible for protecting consumers through a secure site that will provide account transfers, account openings online, online bill payment, closing current account, request loans over the internet ect.
The advantages of the bank on the Internet are definitely the speed and lower cost than aa give the client the possibility to check in any time the status of your account and ongoing operations. The history of the banks on the internet and since then about twenty years in technologically advanced countries is a reality that far exceeds the bank's tradition of slow and opaque. Studies show that in a country like Italy if everyone used the internet banking credit institutions and the government would save € 4 billion per year. An increase in the process of technological innovation in the banking system materializes Italy certainly in our country over the next three years through il mobile banking in cui il cliente non dovrà neccessariamente essere dotato di un computer ma basterà un normale telefono cellulare, in paesi come la Korea del sud è già una realtà per la maggiorparte delle persone, in India o in Indonesia i clienti sono quotidianamente informati sullo stato del loro conto corrente via cellulare. Uno degli ostacoli maggiori in Italia per la banca online oltre al retaggio socio-culturale e clientelare è sicuramente l'adempimento agli standard IS0-8583 che richiede uno sforzo organizzativo da parte delle banche oltre che a un cambio di traiettoria e attitudine nei confronti dei clienti che a loro volta non vedono come una banca possa dargli loro un servizio migliore semplicemente aprendogli un nuovo sportello nella loro zona, except of course for the costs the bank faces and fall on the customer. The challenge for online banking is a natural ally in the European single currency in the global competition that calls all the banks as a whole not just Italian but the Bank for the single European market. The investment in technology and in 2005 of 'IT in Italy banks was 6.3 billion euros, an increase of about 25% annually, the increased use of the bank on the Internet by customers is not always tied up in direct proportion to the expansion of broadband in Italy, report that same principle applies to banks via phone.

below the chart shows that investment in IT banche Italiane.

*clicca sul grafico per ingrandire limmagine.