Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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athletes successfully completed the 7th Trofeo Presentation of the Regions

Great success for the 7th trophy regions of roller skating, the most important event this year held rotellistica in the region under the careful and competent director of ASD Skating Pieris, the runway of the municipal sports hall being Anne Frank. Three days of skating with selections of high-level athletes from all regions of Italy (more than 250 young athletes took to the track) have created a truly exceptional for the large audience present. For the Friuli Venezia Giulia was not so bad at the end with the first-place finish in the specialty JUST DANCE and 3rd place overall behind Emilia Romagna, first classified, and Veneto. Athletes of the house could have three golds, five silvers and three bronzes. Enthusiasm of the young participants at the close of the sporting event celebrated with balloons tricolor in the presence of representatives of all sponsoring bodies: the municipalities of San Canzian d'Isonzo Turriaco and their respective Pro Loco, the Prov. Gorizia Panathlon sporting bodies, and Azzurri of Italy and CONI, the POL Pieris, the Association Costumes Bisiach delegation to present all the awards. There are also Institutes Cooperative Credit Bank of Turriff and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia sponsoring the sporting event that also won the event with recognition of national importance by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and the National Olympic Committee.
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Monday, October 25, 2010

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From Marchionne to the new symbol of Simpson

While Sergio Marchionne complaint with the transmission Fabio Fazio of the low efficiency of the work in Italy (118 th place at 139) and argues that without the FIAT plants in Italy would certainly better than it is today, the new symbol of the Simpsons that aired in America is, in way, the same great theme.

The charges of desecrating Bansky (the brilliant British artist author of the new symbol of the Simpsons) denounced the choice of the Fox De localize the production of the gadget Simpson in South Korea by putting the TV in Homer and family pictures taken with a group of workers Asian draw tables of Simpson in a dark, narrow side by side as in an assembly line.

Because if tomorrow is likely to find dolls, Bart and Lisa at a lower price somewhere behind all this there is something that we pretend not to see, that Marchionne (citing Germany and France, but thinking maybe a country well further east) we hide and that it slams Banskey before his eyes.

Some of the features of modernity (Globalization, outsourcing, revenue maximization) lead to a world a better or worse?

So one wonders: What will the future? Import of goods (cheap) or export rights?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sample Church Greetings


Una complessa macchina organizzativa, quella supportata dall'Associazione Pattinaggio Pieris, che già aveva curato la 2° edizione del Trofeo delle Regioni nel 2005.
Da venerdì 22 a domenica 24 ottobre 2010 sulla pista del palasport di via Anna Frank a Pieris (GO) saranno impegnati oltre 250 atleti in rappresentanza di 14 regioni italiane .

La manifestazione, che vedrà catapultare in terra bisiaca anche centinaia di tecnici, accompagnatori, dirigenti e genitori, è stata presentata all'hotel Major Ronchi dei Legionari pierissino by the President of the association, Cesare Zorzin present the Mayor of San Canzian d'Isonzo, Silvia Caruso, Provincial Vice-President of CONI, Franco Tommasini, regional president of the Italian Federation of Hockey and skating, and Fabio Hollan ' Municipal councilor Turriaco, Enrico Bullian.

"A big commitment, but also a great satisfaction - Zorzin said - that comes from the fact that the Fed, once again, he thought of us when there was to entrust the organization of an event important. We can count on the collaboration of many people, many of the institutional and economic realities as well as on many companies that are on the side. And questi sono i presupposti per un pieno successo."

Saranno 41 gli atleti a rappresentare il Friuli Venezia Giulia, appartenenti a 14 società tra le quali il Pattinaggio Artistico Triestino, il Jolly, l'Unione Ginnastica Goriziana, il Vipava Peci, l'AR Monfalcone, il Pattinaggio Artistico Ronchi, il Gradisca Skating ed ovviamente il Pieris. Una manifestazione di alto livello che metterà in mostra i migliori talenti italiani nelle diverse categorie impegnate e che darà la possibilità alla nostra regione di dare ancora una volta la piena dimostrazione di quello che oggi è il movimento del pattinaggio artistico.

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Santoro and surrounding areas. The information in Newfoundland

I take the cue offered by the never ending story between the leadership of Michele Santoro and RAI to reflect aloud on the information on television. Very topical subject, in fact a real evergreen that recurs in a serial shift regardless of the journalist: Luttazzi, Santoro or Biagi, it does not matter.
I admit my guilt, before proceeding further, saying that it is not an avid viewer of television dedicated lounges and in-depth information. Television, media and frequent often for work that motivated and sincere interest, I prefer other genres. I confess, moreover, does not believe in 'good' and 'bad' journalism, in this easy and very misleading dichotomy. Rather I believe in 'good' and 'bad' faith Who does it really journalism. Also, try to remember that informing means 'shape' and that even if there are facts are facts and the interpretations of the reconstructions offered to give shape and substance to journalism, whether on TV, the web or in print.
Having said this, one can easily observe that for some time information on TV has become more 'spectacular', a new form of entertainment very often violent: not by chance you go by the name of structuring a new kind of curious infotainment , that blends information and entertainment. The fights, screams, insults, even the barrel (as many silences guilty), are there for all to see and do not need to be commented. I agree with those, Santoro included, believe that journalism on television is degraded (and degrading): spectacle and spectacular, in fact, have taken the place of argument and deepening, have replaced the word slogans (often aggressive and violent).
I feel, however, added that, as the Gospel tells us, "cast the first stone who is without sin."
I also remember that some years ago, the political scientist Giovanni Sartori Florentine in his famous book ( Homo Videns , Laterza, 1997) ha fortemente sostenuto la tesi che la televisione sta distruggendo la nostra capacità critica e di giudizio affermando che, all’ homo sapiens , quello in grado di riflettere, rielaborare e quindi comprendere le cose del mondo, si sta sostituendo l’ homo videns : una nuova specie legata alle immagini e quindi alla superficie (e conseguentemente alla superficialità) nonché alla scarsa capacità di rielaborazione critica.
Forse la televisione, nonostante le sempre più frequenti edizioni dei telegiornali, le più or not having programs and discussed in-depth, from Annozero a Porta a Porta, through Report, Matrix, the Infidel, and OTTOEMEZZO Earth (and all others who do not remember or do not know), it is the best place for the 'information and especially for the study. But luckily, as we know, television is not the only medium in which this information, nor the most influential.
But let us return to Santoro. From his pulpit cathode, among many things said during his last live TV trying to defend the quality of public service, said: "You [the audience, and that potentially we All] You have the right not to see your brains reduced to one television jam "in reference to other programs and other broadcasts. Great applause followed this announcement.
Something in that sentence I was deeply disturbed. The word 'right' (always used in an instrumental) offered me an opportunity to review the 'thing' is often forgotten that the service contract, and that the contract is signed between the Ministry of Economic Development and RAI. A substantial text which speaks, among other things, what should be the guiding principles of journalism (at least in public) including 'Objectivity, integrity, impartiality and fairness of information "(draft three-year period 2010-2012). Many of the viewers are the rights enshrined in that text. Absent a responsibility as ours, that of the public. Responsibility exercised in different forms that is the real guarantee of freedom of information.
So I'm reminded of another injury, an ancient and deeply rooted in the world of Italian intellectuals. To say always, at all costs, even without knowing that television 'sucks', and that the television audience is not able to understand things by myself. "If you're with me, you will have the information and investigation, against me prepared to become jam. "
violence seems to me this beautiful and good. I can also biased and not very respectful of his audience (someone should remind himself to be a television journalist!)
So I suggest to those who are lost between the various disciplinary actions, suspensions, arbitration and internal appeals to the ordinary courts, those who are rebuilding this matter step by step, the declaration after declaration, we have another fundamental right. That, trivially, to turn off the TV or change channels. An inherent right related to the responsibilities of our viewers, the people, to free men and women, the face of those who, on the one side, still want to tell us what we think.


Monday, October 11, 2010

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tv here is the new church

not, this Tuesday, not to mention Santa Maria Nuova.

's not every day to attend the execution of a work such as building a new church in a town of twelve thousand inhabitants. And if this happened in 2010 in Newfoundland there will be some reason.
The first is probably in the capacity of the liver and heart of someone in this project, we believed most of all: Don Donato.
Behind him there are also many people who have contributed and there is a community that strongly wanted his new church.
on artistic quality and architectural fielded in Newfoundland can really be proud to say the least, if not satisfied with what is surely one of the most important modern works in the valley. If we do not like is another matter, but the architect Mario Botta Florentine artist Sandro Chia are, in their field, among the most popular in the world.
But among the many excited no shortage of detractors of the new church.

Beautiful? Ugly? Important? Useless?
Here the views of terranuovesi invariably fall and each has his own theory.
And it is in a tangle of impression that an exceptional event such as this can give rise in the country that we would come this week. So please, continue with the comments ...


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2010 European Cup in Catania: Roberto Vidal touches Resumption

Non c’è has made it to the podium Roberto Vidal the skater pierissina SOLO DANCE International cat. Students, blue jersey to debut in continental competition EUROPEAN CUP held October 5 to 10 U.S. cities in the PALACATANIA Etna.
Roberta had to settle for the "Medal of Cardboard" as they say the 4th place, despite a flawless performance in the race that it was nevertheless allowed to be the first of the Italian, the other two blue: the champion of Italy, Trieste ASIA BORDON came 7th and the Bolognese ALESSIA BEARS ranked 8th place.
The conduct of the race rather than positive di Roberta pur non evidenziata con soddisfacente risultato di classifica dimostra la crescita dell’atleta e premia il positivo lavoro preparatorio estivo della VIDAL fatto assieme alla sua allenatrice GIULIA ZORZIN ed al tecnico federale FABIO HOLLAN e ha ribaltato a favore della pierissina quello che era stato il responso dei CAMPIONATI ITALIANI di Calenzano (FI) in luglio, allora Roberta aveva raggiunto il bronzo dietro proprio alle altre due azzurre.
L’ORO è andato al pattinatore francese (nella categoria Allievi si gareggia Femmine e Maschi assieme) CLEMENT BOURON, a seguire l’altra francesina SALOME QUARANTA e terza la portoghese INES ARAGAO.

the successful organization of the Sicilian Away 'ASD Skating Pieris is completely immersed in final preparations to host the 7 th REGIONS Trophy, dedicated to representing regional committees throughout Italy.
are expected to Pieris October 22 to 24 over 250 young athletes accompanied by their technicians, managers and family members from 14 Italian regions.
The event is an important showcase of youth skating tricolor pierissina those present on the track will certainly be future champions of tomorrow. Peris
hosts for the second time, after 2005, the youth event this year only event tri-skating in the region. A recognition of the Italian Federation
Hockej sports and skating to the company via A. Frank for efficiency and for its traditional organizational forty years.

The presentation to the authorities, the public and the press sporting event Tricolore will be Saturday, October 16 at 16.30 in Ronchi dei Legionari in the conference room of 'Hotel Major.

Monday, October 4, 2010

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Rapist who?

The parliamentary process of re-consolidation of the majority around the government's program has left a legacy of uncertainty as to the cynical parliamentary accounting, but also opened the curtain to a discussion by the bitter and hard. I realize that without meditating on the substance has little meaning given to the form, but the intervention of Hon. Peter's eye allows us to observe posted two topics that are entangled with each other: respect for institutions and freedom of expression of a parliamentarian. Terms such as "rapist of democracy" and many other pyrotechnic periphrasis enriched or depleted, the speech of DP and the state of the art, it seems insignificant quibble if Berlusconi or the raping of democracy has seduced the tenderness. The point is another: can an elected official to use such a linguistic register in the exercise of its functions? Certainly, this issue goes beyond the guarantees of Art. 21 of the Constitution, however, the status of the parliamentarian was well defined by our constituents: the Constitution Article 67 Each Member of Parliament represents the Nation, then you too and I read that I write. And you would have used the same vocabulary? Yet the members of Parliament can not be held accountable for their opinions (Art. 68) and so they have maximum freedom in the exercise of their functions. E 'possible to think that DP, knowing also the live broadcast, has forced his speech to try to establish it as the Cricket Parliament and intercept the kind of voters? The Rules of the Chamber of Deputies defines the mesh of the freedom of Members: Article 59 paragraph 1, if a Member pronounces words or unseemly crowd with his support for freedom of discussion, the President shall call him. Fini has called and in fact did so twice (Reg. Chamber Article 60 paragraph 2) and even could remove him or bring the complaint to the Bureau to participate in parliamentary proceedings. I am not aware of any measures were taken in this direction. I wonder: the momentum of DP was a surplus of representation or an unseemly spectacle for our institutions? A speech by decanting and maybe take it back in other seasons or by health policy judgments without further appeal? Many questions, but one thing is certain. Berlusconi with the women we can do ...