Monday, January 31, 2011

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Cultural Association of Paediatricians alongside Parent Project Onlus to facilitate online training dystrophy Duchenne / Becker

Cultural Association of Paediatricians alongside Parent Project Onlus
to facilitate online training on Duchenne / Becker

Rome, January 31, 2011 . He received the patronage of the ACP (Cultural Association Paediatricians), the online training program "Special Duchenne" dedicated to Pediatricians and Community Primary Care, GPs and specialists, made by the association of parents who are struggling against the most severe form of muscular dystrophy that is already manifest in childhood.

"It is important to disseminate information to the care and management of this disease not only for professionals but also for families. Provide tools for families is one of the priorities of the ACP " says Paolo Siani, National President of the ACP, Director of UOC Pediatria AORN “A. Cardarelli” di Napoli . 

L’iniziativa,  realizzata in collaborazione con M.D.webtv, si compone di alcune video-interviste rilasciate da importanti ricercatori e specialisti  che fanno parte del Network dedicato alla Comunità Duchenne. Il programma di formazione tratta, in modo generale, gli approcci terapeutici, i trattamenti farmacologici, le caratteristiche della patologia, l’assistenza respiratoria, le tecniche fisioterapiche, il percorso assistenziale, i centri di riferimento per le malattie neuromuscolari e le attività dedicate alle families.

the Special Duchenne "participated Giulio Cossu, Department of Biology, University of Milan; Emilio Clementi, professor of pharmacology at the University of Milan; Antonio Toscano and Tiziana Mongini , the Italian Association of epidemiology; Fabrizio Racca, the structure of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Pediatric Hospital of Alexandria Elena Lora , physiotherapist Reference Parent Project Onlus Filippo Buccella , president of Parent Project Onlus.

The development of online training project, which is published and , expects to generate a discussion of all the different issues related to Duchenne / Becker.

The Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker is a rare disease, the most severe form of muscular dystrophy, that affects 1 in 3,500 males. It is estimated that in Italy there are 5,000 people affected by the condition, for which currently there is no cure but a specific treatment by a multidisciplinary team that has improved conditions General and double the life expectancy.

Parent Project Onlus , is an association of parents born in Italy in 1996 with the aim of promoting and funding research science. It deals with the formation of families affected by the Duchenne disease and the entire community. Since 2002, the Listening Center dystrophy (CAD), provides a free service assistance and training for parents and activities dedicated to specialists interested in furthering. Contact CAD , located in Lazio, Lombardia, Piemonte, Marche, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria, you can call toll free 800 943 333.

L 'Associazione Culturale Paediatricians is a free association which brings together 2500 pediatricians Italian, aimed at the development of culture pediatric and promotion of child health . The main mission is the training of pediatricians . It is also engaged in research and programs that have as their common denominator the health of children and adolescents, the overcoming of inequalities in health, assistance to families to grow the ability to be parents.

More project information can be requested from Parent Project Onlus the number 06 66182811 or visit our website

To support the activities: c / c postale 94255007 BCC Aug. 19 IBAN IT 38 V 08327 03219 000000005775

Press Parent Project Onlus
Stephanie Collet - Tel 349 5737747 / 06
Francesca Bottello - Tel 06
f.bottello @

Cultural Association of Paediatricians Press
Cell 349 2806565

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Early intervention in spectrum disorders autistic. National experiences in comparison

Teramo - Auditorium Parco della Science - 8-9 April 2011

conference website:

Autism is a disorder that begins and manifests itself mainly with problems of social interaction, communication and understanding of ideas and feelings usually from early childhood.
Today we know that, instead of a single disease, there are actually very different conditions, referred to as autism spectrum, which represent a syndrome behavioral (OMS 1993, APA 1994), the expression of a developmental disorder resulting in biologically and genetically determined processes. Advances in knowledge of autism spectrum disorders and useful tools for early and accurate diagnosis, including enhanced knowledge of neuropsychological disorder, have allowed in recent years, consistently advance the diagnosis, although there is still a delay between the onset of the disorder being reported by the parents (12-24 months) and the phase of clinical diagnosis. However, apart from ensuring an accurate diagnosis and early, we must provide care to a specific Global child, with an effective support to the family since the time of the suspected diagnosis, to actually affect the prognosis in the future.
The National Conference of Teramo will help develop the knowledge and good practices established at the national level early intervention in autism spectrum disorders, the contribution through interdisciplinary major Italian experts will lead with their experiences, confrontando metodologie e risultati conseguiti negli ultimi anni e delineando le prospettive diagnostiche e terapeutiche.

Segreteria Organizzativa:  Centro Studi sull’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza – Scerne di Pineto (TE) – tel. 085.9463098 – fax 085.9463199 email:

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pain in children. Practical tools for assessment and treatment

l Sole24Ore Sanità ha dedicato ampio spazio al tema della cura del dolore nel bambino ed è stato oggetto di discussione e approfondimento al Congresso nazionale ACP held 7 to 9 October 2010 in Palermo.
On the number of last December 21 have appeared in two articles that testify to the sensitivity and the efforts made by ACP to train and raise awareness among professionals who come into contact with the child in pain. An article, signed by Franca Benini and Michele Gangemi, this book presents Ministerial pain in children. Practical tools for assessment and treatment . The second article
and Paolo Siani Luciano De Seta enters the substance of the poor sensitivity of our health care prevention and treatment of pain demonstrated by research that involved 110 ACP
pediatric wards.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The voice of Carlo Pasquini

After the interview with Luca Trabucco (published November 2 on this blog ) and Mauro Amerighi (published December 7 ) now is the time of Charles Pasquini, Pasquini leader of the list.

Hello Charles, thanks for agreeing to meet our questions.

A Mauro and Luca Trabucco Amerighi asked to paint an imaginary scenario and, of course, we do also with you in a few hours Newfoundland citizens will again be called to the polls, the last few minutes of silence election and you're on stage to give the last speech: "Dear voters, if I tell you three questions of prime importance that an 'additional administration guide covers me now, they would ...
There are three key issues, absolutely central to face:
1) escape from the "colonization " recovery and autonomy political, economic, administrative and planning of Newfoundland in Valdarno. It is the decisive issue for the future of Newfoundland.
2) investment and policy for productive activities. Consideration should be given to new areas for production plants, as a new PIP (PIP 3) to the pen and the area along the Arno, should be simplified / made to make the abolition of autonomy and flexibility to investors. And then in the exit Valdarno: no park river bridge 2 from Montevarchi nothing but appreciation by investing in advanced tertiary
3) recovery (residential, historical functional) of the historic center instrument for the revival of the identity of Newfoundland and the recovery of its role in Valdarno.
There is another question, however, closely linked to these, which is that of simplification of the bureaucratic machinery of the municipal structure. Moreover, the recruitment of another architect (Terranuova has nine engineers and architects, Montevarchi Bucine 6 and 3) is the confirmation that is cut, it takes a sharp reversal.

The civic lists have historically had a flaw: it does not hold in the long run. In addition, the LIST PASQUINI has other features that are not convincing on its future prospects: a list is very "personal", not by chance, your name, and was born in an open and declared, conflict with the current mayor (who at the next election will not be among the candidates for having already done two terms). May have a future, a list of these traits?
Good question, provocative, very interesting. It is certainly true that the civic lists often do not last. But in Newfoundland, the local elections of 2009, before a right without a draft and a center-left hostage to a closed system and that it had delegated to powerful lobby valdarnese land management and services (a "chain" was clearly apparent with ex-macelli/Casamonti the case), the only road was a development project aimed at the living body, and modern country.
The result has stood at 20%, but showed that:
a) the PD and the center have closed a period of domination that lasted from '75
b) only an elector on 3 voted for this mayor and this government.
For the future, nothing personal list, no list Pasquini, but a strong second draft program and shared ideas. In this way, and with this in mind, we will certainly have a future: Newfoundland in need.

Your experience in the center-left terranuovese, as mayor over the years we have come a long way, you've made the right choices and wrong, we can talk about the toll of the building, the landfill ... There are situations in the past now face off in a different way?
Surely something will not work, will not be riuscita. Sempre nelle nuove scelte ci sono margini di errori dovuti alla novità dell'impresa, ai l imiti soggettivi , e alla resistenza della realtà. Ma nella sostanza il progetto per Terranuova ha prodotto una “rivoluzione” i cui risultati positivi investono Terranuova e il Valdarno ancora oggi. Ne cito alcuni:
·          radicamento realtà produttive
·          Valdarno A1
· new regional road and bridge south
· waste management facilities for all municipalities in the Valdarno
· new ring road SP 59
· structural plan of the municipality
· flood safety Ciuffenna (bridges and flooded his mouth calibrated)
· sports hall
· educational services, training and social (nursery, kindergarten, RSA)
· The theater and library Furnaces
· avvio recupero centro storico e centri storici delle frazioni

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Music from the heart to the mind

From " Me and my baby ", with the help of Stefano Gorini, Referee Association Cultural Paediatricians for the project "Born to Music .

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the First Day of Study on Air Pollution and Health - January 22, 2011, Taranto

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Funny Anniversary Card Ideas

interview Tuesday, "The hell is going on you .."

Arrivati al finale di partita, mi domando quanti pensassero che sarebbe stato così disgustoso. Eppure, mentre affonda nel guano di cui ha inondato le sue residenze, le istituzioni e l’ Italia tutta, Berlusconi ci guarda con il sorriso obliquo e dice che non è finita, perché lui ha comunque vinto. Ci sfida a prendere atto del suo più grande successo, che non è politico, né economico, né sportivo. È il cambiamento di costume che ha trasformato l’ Italia negli ultimi trent’ anni, rendendola straniera a se stessa.
Corre il 1980 quando vengono accesi i ripetitori di Canale 5. Chi ci governa ha letto Marshall McLuhan, ma lascia fare. Peggio, offre armi e tutele al predone. Permette che la Fininvest acquisisca prima Italia1, quindi Rete4, senza nulla celare dei propri intenti monopolistici. Le consente, con decreti ad personam (il Berlusconi, il Berlusconi bis e il Berlusconi ter), di trasmettere in diretta in tutto il Paese.
Qualche anno dopo si leva forte contro la televisione il grido di allarme di Karl Popper, che scrive: “La democrazia consiste nel mettere sotto controllo il potere politico. È questa la sua caratteristica essential. There should be no uncontrolled political power in a democracy. Now it happened that this television has become a huge political power, potentially we could also say the most important of all, as if God himself speaking. And so it will be if we continue to allow its' abuse. It has become a power too great for democracy. "
In Italy, however, it is too late. Berlusconi won the elections and is ruling without prisoners. The duopoly of 'ether becomes a monopoly, voters lose the traits of citizens to take those viewers were told. Ettore Bernabei, a gentleman who is very familiar with the TV for he was Director General of RAI from 1961 to 1974, summarizing as follows: "programs are only responsible for keeping the viewer hooked on hold the spot. They have to keep it glued to the TV without the operation of the brain, hooking it from the waist down. " L 'Italy quickly became the most vulgar and nasty. Are less memory, the spirit of sacrifice, the desire to dream. Finally, there is less ability to feel shame. It is testimony involuntary as exemplary, the way in which they are presented to 'public separations Berlusconi from the first and second wife. In 2001, election in the booklet 'An Italian history', the biographer Knight writes: "The family is happy, but something changed in his relationship with Carla in the early eighties. 'S love turns into true friendship. Silvio and Carla, by mutual agreement, decide to continue their lives each following their own aspirations. But many things still unite them, firstly, Marina and Dudi. Life goes on. One evening, Berlusconi, at the Teatro Manzoni in Milan, sees play Veronica Lario. You just love. " Eight years later the same lady Lario, guilty of criticizing the conduct of her husband and talking like a sick man, is performed bare-breasted on the first page of a newspaper employers under the title 'Veronica tissue ungrateful'.
L 'berlusconizzata Italy, unfortunately, survive Berlusconi. The germ has spread, infected, transformed. How to put on record 'Gianpi' Tarantini, one of the pimps who have contributed to the amusements of the Minotaur: "I also want to clarify that the use of cocaine and prostitutes is part of my project to build a network of complicity in the field of Public administration in these years because I thought that girls and cocaine were a key to the success in society. "
I think back to the poets that we had been warned. Federico Fellini twice: in 1990 with The Voice of the Moon, in 1985 with Ginger and Fred. And before that Pier Paolo Pasolini. Perhaps only now can we understand why it was a film like Salò. All of us had already been said. Research, the 'last interview that PPP released a Furio Colombo November 1, 1975, just hours before he was assassinated. I read: "It's like when it rains in a city and the manholes were engorged. The 'salt water, is an' innocent water, rainwater, has neither the fury of the sea or the wickedness of the currents of a river. But, for whatever reason does not fall but rises. It's the same rain of many children's rhyme and jingle of "singing in the rain." But salt and you drown. [...] I mean out of Teeth: I go down to 'hell and I know things that do not disturb the peace of others. But be careful. L 'hell is going up to you. "
Silvio Cazzante

Friday, January 14, 2011

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New medal of President Napolitano to the second edition of the Born to Read

Turin, January 12, 2011

New Medal President Napolitano the second edition of the Born to Read

Last day to participate in the contract expiring January 31, 2011

The National Award Born to Read celebrating the new year with another success: even the second edition receives the medal of the President of the Republic Napolitano what reward representation. This award expresses appreciation for the work of the Award in the enhancement of quality childcare and publishing projects of reading aloud to children under six years of age.

The award is in the end January 31, 2011 . On the website (See "Prize"), you can download the invitation aimed at publishers, librarians, teachers, librarians, educators, pediatricians and local authorities.

The jury that will books, prototypes and projects includes: President Rita Valentino Merletti (scholar of children's literature), Fabio Bazzoli (librarian , director of the Southwest Library System and the Library of Chiari Bresciano and member of the National Coordination of births to read; Chiari - Bs); Antonia Boemio (teacher at the local nursery in Piazza Cavour in Turin - Turin); Mariangela Clerici Schoeller (pediatrician, member of the National Coordination of Born to Read - Milan); Esther Grandesso (librarian, former director of Library Services Centre of the Province of Cagliari, a member of the National Commission on Libraries AIB Boys - Cagliari), Maria Letizia Meacham (an expert in children's literature , a collaborator of the magazine Liber - Florence); Anna Word (expert in the literature for boys, boys Library of Turin - Torino); Sergio Spaggiari (Pedagogy, director of schools and nurseries of Reggio Emilia from 1985 to 2010, Reggio Emilia)

Five the sections which make up the prize, which can be found on the website where you can find all the details on the participation and the application forms:

- Section Books yard : awarded to the best editorial project unreleased (in Italy or abroad), suitable for handling and use by children aged between 6 and 24 months and is intended for Italian publishers;

- Section be born with books : is awarded to the best book (hardback or register) published in Italy for children between 6 and 36 months, open to all Italian publishers may nominate up to two books;

- Section Growing up with books : recommend best book for children aged between 3 and 6 years, published in Italia tra il 2007 e il 2010 e relativo al tema “Libri per ridere: l’umorismo nei libri per bambini”. Questa sezione si articola in più fasi. In un primo tempo le librerie delle tre città coinvolte nella II edizione del Premio (Torino, Roma e Bologna) segnalano una rosa di titoli. I dieci libri ritenuti migliori sono successivamente sottoposti al giudizio di bambini (da 3 a 6 anni), genitori e insegnanti che da dicembre 2010 a marzo 2011 leggono le opere scelte ed esprimono le loro preferenze (il lavoro sui volumi selezionati si svolge nelle biblioteche, nei centri di lettura, negli asili e nelle scuole materne delle tre città). In ultimo, i voti espressi dai partecipanti vengono valutati dalla Giuria del Premio, cui spetta il final assessment. For the year 2012, the applications of the cities that wish to be involved must be received by May 2011.

- Section Networks books: awarded to the best project to promote reading to children aged between 0 and 5 years, developed along the lines of Born to Reading, capable of involving the broadest number of people (parents, librarians, pediatricians, teachers, educators, volunteers, etc.). through effective and ongoing networking.

- Section Pasquale Case : named after the pediatrician who died in 2008, which contributed to the spread of Born to Read, please report the pediatrician who joined the project Born to Read, in the most effective way to promote the practice of reading aloud in the family.

The requests to participate and the material must be submitted on paper and electronically to the Organizing Secretariat: Foundation for Books, Music and Culture - NPL National Award Secretariat, Via Santa Teresa 15, 10121 Torino; .
The awards ceremony will take place in May 2011 on the occasion of the 24th to edition of the International Book Fair of Turin .

Aimed at publishers, librarians, teachers, librarians, educators, pediatricians and local authorities, the National Award Born to Read is established by the Piedmont Region and organized in collaboration with the City of Turin (with process and public libraries Turin), the Foundation for Books, Music and Culture (which promotes the annual International Book Fair of Turin) and the Coordination National Born to Read project (supported by 'Associazione Culturale Paediatricians, the' Italian Library Association and the Center for child health Onlus ). The award, which has the patronage of Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Ibby Italy, also won for the first edition of the medal of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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XXIII National Congress ACP, 13-14-15 October 2011, Rome

Stay tuned for more informazioni...

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Argonauts XII - 9-10-11 June 2011 - Piano di Sorrento, Naples

" Argonauts XII" Road Trip
Meeting organized by pediatricians in the southern parts

9-10-11 June 2011

at Villa Funds, Piano di Sorrento, Naples

The twelfth meeting Jason and the Argonauts, the second year in Campania, a view shared by all groups of the ACP to continue to sail south towards the "new ports and dock for a while '.

Traveling in the Gulf of Naples, arrives in Sorrento this year, again driven by the desire for knowledge, but also to challenge and new practices. It was decided to give each group the organization of a conference session or a part thereof.

... in this beautiful journey across seas, but stormy start with these words of Don Tonino Palmese, which will guide our path:

"It 's better to light a match in night rather than just curse the darkness "

we expect many,

the Executive together with the ACP Group ACP Sicily Campania, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia and Molise

will discuss:

Numerous clinical cases reported by the pediatricians of the territory, by postgraduate and the centers of reference for a shared path to social health.

clinical cases of prof. Ventura

Health periconcenzionale also covers pediatrics?

Overview of projects to support parents in Puglia and Campania: what really works?

The eating disorders: the red flags.

Learning disabilities: from knowledge to know how, the experience of the Molise region.

A whole session on the 8 steps plus 1 on vaccinations.

The pediatrician and the mistreatment of the territory.

"A good start ..." will be discussed with operators, stakeholders, experts and institutions on the Services for Children in Campania and other regions of southern Italy.

"Between efficiency and business," he argues with those who do and who decides.

Defla - Event organizers
Tel 081402093 - mail:

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"TABIANO XX", 18-19 February 2011 Conference

Scarica la brochure con tutte le informazioni.

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Fiat - Fiom: the left is divided or disappears? San

Rosselli Foundation in 1992 organized a wonderful conference on the future of the democratic left in Europe entitled What is left? with its dual translation What is left? but What is left?. It 's a theme that spans the century and returns with timely news in today's political debate Italian referring to the issue of industrial relations and relations with the union. The conflict Fiat - Fiom becomes the new playground where they all collide in a derby labor oriented different positions within the same political field. To be fair to our readers we will not borrow a lexicon that may be just the history of political parties, so no reformist left, nothing left but just what is the maximalist left in Italy? By the same token it seems really confusing contrast to a reformist left a left conservative, to the extent that the reform efforts of took the violence and breakdown of the request to continue also refers to the rights enshrined in our constitution. In short, Matteo Renzi (Pd) declares: "I am on the side of those who bet on the work of Fiat, Marchionne. It 's the first time that the money does not ask Lingotto to the Italians, but investing in an industrial project in Italy . It 's a revolution. And what happens? What's face a global challenge in the U.S., Brazil, Europe is Fiom who wants to release Italy from a locomotive. And the pd hesitates, takes care of tune with the CGIL . a crowd. Today, the work is defended with an essential balance that goes from productivity: an effort to ask the employee in exchange for jobs and investment. Fiat is now the driving force behind this innovation: this is not about to take the side of a man, it is to believe or not in an industrial future. "In a diametrically opposite direction Nichi Vendola ( Unit , 12/30/2010):" (. ..) In the factory where nuts and you're just numbers, not people nor class. In which the contract will be a private business between you, and only a small multinational owner (one who likes American companies and Chinese workers). In that factory the fight and the strike, sovereign instruments of civilization and democracy, are now banned. "The positions are as clear as it seems to answer more distant but personal attempts to show that a clear line of party politics and leave an aura of confusion about what should be the new frontiers of the labor market. In short, what is left?
Thomas Cioncolini

Monday, January 3, 2011

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precarious pray for us

Three months ago the president of INPS, Antonio Mastrapasqua, who asked why the institution not provide security to the simulation of their precarious future pension as it does with other workers said, "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk an upheaval Social.
There were controversies and Mastrapasqua denied those claims. Whether or not to have said, however, changes little and the quotation marks reveals a great truth.
If the insecurity was synonymous with uncertainty, we have an excellent point firm: the future will be black!
bamboccione Dear, if you think you now enter the labor market in zompettare resigned from a job for a season to call a to a contract term. All with some nice pause for reflection (without unemployment benefits).
And if you graduate before you start with the die do not forget to fill your resume with a beautiful unpaid internship. Infuse you graduate and can not do anything. You need training.
can not go on like this.
The President of the Republic seems to have sensed something after the events of recent months, and year-end speech denounced the separation of politics and social forces against young people and tried to encourage them: "politics are you. "
But it is not the only departure from the policy that should worry. The risk is that it is creating a generational divide in society.
I speak for labor law year of a two-tier labor market: there are super-protected and those who do not have any kind of support. The state and the long-term employees (large companies) on one side and the other atypical.
This concept is more comparable to an unequal comparison between old and new generations. The first armored vehicles that have contracts and secure the second shaky and precarious. The first rich or at least have decent pensions, the latter who will not see almost nothing. The first ones are forced to help the latter, the latter which must be maintained from the beginning.
How can withstand such a system?
Then, not enough, there she started the crisis. And to pay the greatest price seem to have been, needless to say, women and youth. Also in Tuscany. A study of IRPET end of 2010 the labor market in our region (downloadable from showed a youth unemployment grew by 15 percent in the range between 15 and 24 years and 23 in the one between 25 and 34. And those who find it more difficult are the graduates: applications for employment for those with higher education level is very low and many young graduates moved to the north of Tuscany.
Enrico Rossi last week said that "2011 will be the year for the region of Tuscany giovani che vanno aiutati a costruirsi un futuro».
Sembra che la Regione si stia muovendo per “attivare sinergie con banche e fondazioni, enti pubblici e istituzioni religiose, categorie economiche e sindacati, in  modo da liberare risorse per 300 milioni di euro in tre anni. Si interverrà sulla casa con il contributo affitto, e un acquisto agevolato dopo 4 anni in accordo con il costruttore”.
In più è stata regolata la vergogna degli Stage attraverso il progetto «Dignità del giovane in formazione» che assicurerà 400 euro mensili ai giovani diplomati e laureati impegnati in stage e tirocini.
Francesco Nocentini