Monday, February 21, 2011

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A comment posted on this blog himself about ten days ago, according to which Newfoundland is not one of virtuous community (also) for its high ratio of city \u200b\u200bemployees and citizens has made me curious.
Although a specific kind of says very little about the virtuosity of a common (you should see what kind of community is, how large is its territory, What is mainly based on its economy, which offers the same services that the municipality and quality), I tried to look for these same data within the websites of the municipalities in our valley.
surfing I found that the average employee / population ratio to be taken as a reference is established by decree of December 9, 2008 the Interior Ministry, which identifies the following groups:
up inhabitants and 999 1 / 110
population from 1000 to 2999 1 / 154
population from 3000 to 9999 1 / 172
from 10,000 to 59,999 inhabitants 1 / 156
from 60,000 to 249,999 inhabitants 1 / 121
more than 249,999 inhabitants 1 / 95
But what differ the municipalities of Montevarchi, Sangiovanni, Newfoundland, and Figline They Ciuffenna from these averages ministerial?
Here, despite the legislative decree 150/2009 art. 11 requires the government to adjust to the principle of transparency meant as (I quote the text) "total accessibility, including through the instrument of publication on institutional web sites, information on every aspect of the organization "on the websites of our common number of staff to employ do not find it again. The page TRANSPARENCY, EVALUATION AND SUBSTANCE there, but there are the salaries of officers, absence rates, supplementary agreements and codes of conduct. The rest, such as the organization is "under construction".
In fact, all sites of the municipalities that I visited, none is more transparent than Valdarno. The rule is recent and it is natural that there is still full adjustment.
Ma vorrei proporre questa riflessione:
E' corretto ridurre la “trasparenza” ad un mero conteggio dei quattrini che prendono i dirigenti? Non è un dato pericolosamente fuorviante? 70mila euro potrebbero esser spesi benissimo per un dirigente  fenomeno che trova soluzioni ideali a tutti i problemi e  30mila potrebbero essere spesi malissimo se il dirigente fosse un incapace.
Personalmente preferirei avere dati sul grado di raggiungimento degli obiettivi, per esempio. 
Il dato secco sulla retribuzione è quasi “violento”, oltre che inutile.
As the rate of absenteeism! I think transparency "barbaric." Am I wrong?
So the question is, which means but it really transparent?
The relevant legislation (Decree 150/2009) assigns a key role in the transparency control by the citizen (stakeholder) the level of quality (the decree calls her "performance") government. It is envisaged that this will be given ample space. The reform is relatively recent and the transposition are linger but the way of the future is clearly mapped out: il controllo da parte della cittadinanza, con l’accessibilità ai dati che internet può garantire, sarà parte cruciale di un processo di riforma del pubblico impiego.
E allora ripeto la domanda per aprire la discussione: cosa è la vera trasparenza? Cosa vorremmo sapere riguardo al nostro comune, alla nostra provincia, agli enti della nostra regione, in merito alle Aziende Sanitarie piuttosto che ai ministeri?
Francesco N.

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Awarding to the second edition of "Premio Born to Read"

Lunedì 16 maggio 2011, Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino

La cerimonia di premiazione della II edizione del Premio Nati per Leggere si svolgerà lunedì 16 maggio 2011 al Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino .

I nomi dei vincitori si conosceranno verso metà aprile.

Cinque le sezioni del Premio: Libri in cantiere ( progetto editoriale inedito per bambini 6-24 mesi) ; be born with the books (book for children 6-36 months); Growing up with books (book for children 3-6 years old); Networks books (reading promotion project aimed at children 0-5 years old); Pasquale Case (pediatrician).

Aimed at publishers, librarians, teachers, librarians, educators, pediatricians and local authorities, the National Award Born to Read is established by the Piedmont Region and organized in collaboration with the City of Turin ( Iter with public libraries and Turin), the Foundation for Books, Music and Culture (which promotes the annual International Book Fair of Turin) and the National Coordinator of the project Born to Read (supported by 'Associazione Culturale Paediatricians, the' Italian Library Association and the Centre for children's health Onlus ). The award, which has the patronage of Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Ibby Italy, also won for the first edition of the medal of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano .

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Prevention of birth defects and prematurity: why? ... and how? Let's build our

Rome, 19-20 May 2011

Want to know what we can do to prevent birth defects and prematurity?

Watch program the course of 19 and 20 May this year and send us the registration form after it is completed accurately; places are limited!

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XXIII National Congress

Dear friends,
you want to involve the organization of the next National Congress and ACP will be held in Rome Oct. 13 to 15 Minutes In this regard, We invite you to express an opinion on the main topics that we would propose to the Congress and select the ones that you think are of greatest interest to us all.
Tell ( by February 28 ) your preferences or suggestions by filling an online questionnaire .

La data è vicina e vi chiediamo di essere rapidi.

Grazie per la vostra collaborazione!

Il Direttivo ACP e il Gruppo ACP Lazio

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Napoli, 18 febbrario 2011. L’Associazione Culturale Pediatri (ACP) che riunisce in Italia migliaia di pediatri ed operatori che si occupano della salute and welfare of children and their families, manifests its solidarity to all third sector that Naples and Campania are facing a situation working ever so hard . In Naples, 20 months these workers are not paid for assistance to children and families in severe hardship : who are in foster homes, which are subject to protective measures that are in situations of extreme social difficulties and health.

It 's a national issue because it concerns the physical and psychological survival and the protection of young people living in Italy and not in another world.

The ACP also expressed his concern for the possible suspension of services that only a myopic interpretation nominalist can not define the essential and leave a practice viability only bureaucratic (the chronological order of payments of the local authority).

also expresses the hope that the lives and welfare of children who are already in serious risk of social exclusion does not become the subject of political conflict but which might instead be faced with the highest possible ethical sharing between the parties, also in Naples , even before major elections.

[ download the press ]

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influenza vaccination: why we must speak now

Regarding the Cultural Association of Paediatricians influenza vaccination is considered necessary to follow the official recommendations released by the Ministry of Health for the 2010-11 season.
We declare our readiness to participate in the discussion on the potential opportunity to extend the indications for influenza vaccination if demonstrated its benefit on the basis of robust scientific studies, which consider the outcomes specified by the Ministry and they are explicitly free of conflicts of interest. However, we believe that this discussion should be a collaborative support by the scientific societies with respect to a central decision-making body responsible for policies vaccine. In this body must still rely on recognizing the 'authority and decision-making power.
Deprecated strongly that, as a number of years is taking place in Italy, he tries to force the change in vaccination policies expressed in non-scientific premises and not institutional positions differing from those ministries are not always supported by clear evidence and clear conflict.
useful We reiterate the importance and the Ministry of personal protective measures to reduce transmission of influenza viruses. Highly recommended hand washing (in the absence of water, use of alcohol gel) the good respiratory hygiene, cover nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, handling tissues, promote voluntary home isolation of persons with febrile respiratory illness, especially in the initial phase and the use of masks by of people with flu symptoms, if present in healthcare settings.
We agree with the choice to emphasize the role of ministerial budget grade attributed to the washing of hands, a practice recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a the most effective in controlling the spread infection, not only influenza, even in hospitals.
vaccination for healthy children aged between 6 months and 24 months (or up to 5 years) is instead an issue currently under discussion by the international scientific community.
The data available so far do not allow you to share a positive evaluation for the purpose of achieving a significant reduction of risk of death, hospitalization, serious illness , despite the American health care, Canadian and some European Union countries have chosen to vaccinate these children.
risk of death, hospitalization and serious illness are the outcomes of influenza vaccination that must be demonstrated to justify its offer active and free to the entire population of healthy children: this is what the Ministry says, and we fully agree with this statement.
In the absence of evidence of effectiveness with respect to these outcomes, as in past years influenza vaccination has been offered in an active and free only to children older than 6 months with severe chronic diseases (see Table . 1).
Given the weakness of the evidence of effectiveness in relation to outcomes given the ACP intends to engage in the next flu season in an ad hoc study, independent and free from any conditioning, auspicando una massiccia partecipazione dei pediatri italiani.
Siamo consapevoli che le evidenze sono deboli anche per i soggetti a rischio e sarebbero utili specifici studi di valutazione anche per loro; per queste persone si deve però giudicare soddisfacente anche il raggiungimento di outcomes meno importanti come il semplice risparmio di qualche giorno di malattia dato che quei giorni di malattia potrebbero, per esempio, coincidere con l'inizio di un ciclo di chemioterapia o potrebbero intervenire in una fase di grave compromissione immunitaria. In una parola riteniamo che, in accordo col Ministero, si debba ritenere utile la loro vaccinazione in mancanza di evidenze contrarie.

Rosario Horse
Head of Secretariat of Infectious Diseases Prevention

Paolo Siani
ACP President

The Board ACP:
Corchia Carlo, Stefano Gorini, Chiara Guidoni, Thomas Montini, Mario Narducci, Joseph Spring, Mary F. Syracuse, Enrico Valletta, Luciana Nicoli

[ save the document ]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Ruby, and another story porcellum

The House vote on the request to raid the offices of Silvio Berlusconi brings me to Ruby on the case, increasingly, to recognize a close relationship between the parliamentary work and our electoral system. Of reasons there will have been well, but the motivation of this act (the President of the Council, with its call to the police headquarters in Milan, he performed an institutional function, as it found that the girl was the niece of the President of Egypt) seems to me very imaginative and also detrimental to the dignity of those who, like myself, think that parliament must sit in "the best".
The vote of 315 deputies who feel real a similar argument (on which the irony beyond the borders of the Alps) is thinking about how strong the bond that links to our blocked list, and who writes the list rather than the party, his programs even before the public / voters.
n.270/2005 That the law was not, to put it to fashion, a good practice of institutional engineering has recognized his father, the minister Calderoli, defining such a crap way to Giovanni Sartori coniarne of the worthy name, porcellum. We can not continue to support the goodness of such an electoral system only because his alter ego, the system that reintroduces the preferences (or single-member constituency) would promote the exchange rate. We have the courage to say clearly that when 'a similar risk was real, to the point where we run it would be worthwhile.
Better things are not the civilized (if only for having abolished, before the others, the death penalty since 1786) Tuscany, where, not long ago, at a stroke were introduced to the blocked list (diluted internal party primary by non-compulsory), the increase in the number of Regional Councillors (to the point that even the assembly room struggling to accommodate all of them) and, so as not to miss anything, even a regional list system that where "a little 'more' than others.
At a time like we are living, in which public confidence in the institutions is at an historic low (in relation Eurispes 2011 Italian institutions and 68% of respondents say that their trust in institutions has declined only 2.2% said the opposite, including the establishment figures, only the Head of State Napolitano has increased its rate of 7% to 68%, while 84% of respondents claimed to have little or no confidence in the government) would have a duty to go back on decisions that have contributed significantly to the disaffected citizens to la politica e le istituzioni. Il primo e naturale passo sarebbe quello di porre nuovamente i ‘cives’ al centro delle scelte politiche, rendendoli attori protagonisti del processo democratico. In che modo? Forse già a partire da atti concreti che vengono dal basso e da quelle assemblee dove ancora è forte il rapporto tra elettori ed eletti, dove questi ultimi siano effettivamente tali e non nominati. E poi attraverso azioni che impegnino i Consigli e le Giunte Comunali nella richiesta agli organi deputati di atti in questa direzione.
Un raggio di sole in una giornata uggiosa : Irene, 6 anni, mentre scrive l’indirizzo in un quaderno di scuola vedendo il nome della sua strada mi chiede: babbo chi era Alcide De Gasperi? Beh non so se sarò stato chiaro, ma un minuto ce l’ho speso volentieri tanto per farle capire che forse non tutti sono uguali e che oltre a quello che la TV ci racconta in questi giorni, per fortuna , c ’è stata un’altra storia!
Paolo B.

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Fagg Antonio - February 11, 2011

The strategy of primary prevention for the promotion and protection of the combination of environment and health is in danger.

You want to change the ' art. 41 of the Constitution, which already provides for freedom of private economic initiative, by deleting:
- Section 2: "can not be conducted (the private economic initiative) in contrast to the social benefit or to harm the security , freedom, human dignity ";
- Clause 3: The law determines programs and controls so the public and private economic activities may be directed and coordinated social purposes. "

Among the social challenge for common goods such as environment and health.

The amendment to Article. 41 will give the force of law from those anticipated by the National Prevention Plan 2010-2012 :
- control "... should not be prior (ex ante), but on activities already in operation to check if they are enforced or not and How effectively do your self-control procedures;
- "The planning process is inverte; le scelte non sono più dettate dal criterio prima ciò che è previsto dalla legge e poi il resto nel tempo che eventualmente rimane, ma prima ciò che è necessario ed efficace”.

Si sopprime il controllo preventivo ex ante di competenza della Pubblica Amministrazione, l’unica
azione dimostrata efficace per combattere le malattie cronico degenerative attribuibili ai rischi ambientali.

Ma c’è di peggio: tale controllo, sottratto alla Pubblica Amministrazione, risulta già attribuito a soggetti privati, le Agenzie per le Imprese:

- Legge n. 133/2008, art. 38 :
"The proof of existence of the legal requirements for the exercise of business activities can be carried out by accredited private - Agents for Enterprise - which, if positive investigations, issue declaration of conformity is title year of authorization. "

- DPR. N. 159/2010 :
• are accredited private: Trade Associations (artisans, farmers, traders), business associations, trade unions, organs of
technical evaluation of projects and compliance, group practices or associations professionals enrolled in books
• they are assigned the following functions:
preliminary investigation, licensing activities; declaration of conformity for authorization to carry, one stop shop for all administrative activities related to production.

Public Administration will be totally deprived of the protection of common interests in the field of environment and health.
economic interests prevail over those of environment and health.
I will also controlled the controllers.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Social Program Adoption of Naples on "Presadiretta, Sunday, February 20

Vi informiamo che

domenica 20 febbraio

su RAI 3

in an episode of " Presadiretta " by Riccardo Iacona, just after "Che tempo che fa", there is probably a nod to the Naples Social Adoption Program in the investigation into the crisis of the welfare but generally in Naples in Italy.

Iacona interview that he did to Peppe Cirillo (Local Contact ACP for the region), in quality of the scientific the program, mention is made of ' ACP as the first partner .

We ask you to look Presadiretta and disseminate information.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Confidentiality Cluase

What is Participatory Budgeting? The Voice of the interview Tuesday Alessio Magini

Voce del Martedì: Si è recentemente conclusa la prima esperienza di promoted by participatory budgeting 'Administration Terranova Bracciolini. We ask all 'Councillor Alex Magini, that' he strongly desired, show the results.
Magini: was a 'initiative with which our City has developed the signs of the Tuscany Region to promote citizen participation in local policy making. We gave the residents of the capital and the area of \u200b\u200bfarm Rota to decide how to spend part of the economic resources to the agencies in the areas of public works, maintenance and quality of urban life, for a total of € 250,000. Al termine di un cammino di discussione avvenuto in gruppi, ciascuno moderato e guidato da un facilitatore, sono state formulate più proposte. Fra queste sono stati poi scelti, con una votazione, gli interventi da realizzare: un concorso a idee e le conseguenti opere di manutenzione e riqualificazione del parco pubblico attrezzato del capoluogo (200.000 euro complessivi) e la progettazione della pista ciclabile che collegherà la Badiola con San Giovanni Valdarno (50.000 euro). Quest’ ultima opera sarà poi finanziata e realizzata con risorse del Comune di San Giovanni Valdarno, già disponibili in bilancio. Entrambi gli interventi, in quanto caratterizzati da una fruibilità pubblica e volti a un miglioramento della qualità della vita, reflect a strong community spirit. In this regard, be underlined that an important aspect of the project was just the quality of participation. All 'internal discussion groups focused on interventions that have undergone an impact on' community as a whole, instead of focusing on issues related to individual claims of the proponents. This approach was also confirmed in the proposals that were then chosen: this is the case of the 'walking bus', which received a high number of votes, however, and the request for installation of water fountains for public distribution. These are ideas which we will surely inspired by the definition of interventions da finanziare con il prossimo Bilancio comunale.
Un ultimo aspetto da sottolineare è dato dalla forte presenza e dal vivo interesse che l’ iter partecipativo ha suscitato nei giovani. Lo si è potuto verificare sia negli incontri preliminari e nella fase propositiva che nelle votazioni. Vedere i ragazzi che 'convincevano' i genitori ad andare a votare è un dato che –  valutato nell’ Italia di oggi e nella crisi di fiducia che c' è nel rapporto tra la politica, le istituzioni e i cittadini – fa sinceramente piacere e dà importanza al processo attivato.

VDM: Quali sono stati the costs of 'initiative?
M.: The estimated costs of the 'whole process is to € 30,000, divided between Region (21,000 euro) and the City (9,000 €). I'm talking about because we are still under consideration of a report. Probably the final figures will be a bit 'lower.

VDM: How were the participants?
M.: 138 citizens took part.

VDM: times already known o protagonisti nuovi nella vita pubblica terranuovese?
M.: Nell’ organizzare l’ iniziativa abbiamo cercato di favorire la maggiore partecipazione possibile. Gli incontri si sono svolti nella fascia oraria che va dalle 18 alle 22, abbiamo messo a disposizione un servizio di babysitting ed offerto una piccola cena a buffet. Quanto di più diverso dagli orari e dalle consuetudini dei tradizionali appuntamenti politici. Possiamo dire di essere stati ripagati. Dal questionario finale, che ben 130 dei 138 partecipanti hanno restituito, rileviamo che solo 21 di essi sono coinvolti nelle attività di un partito o di un sindacato. Gli altri sono cittadini il cui impegno sociale si espleta in forms other than as 'militants' (eg in associations or committees) or even up to now had not found any mode of expression (the answer 'opt-out' was shown for 42 times).

VDM: Other significant considerations that emerge from the questionnaires?
M.: Several, including one which I consider of utmost importance. Asked how everyone is interested in politics, 75 out of 130 people responded by indicating, on a scale from 1 to 10, numbers 5, 6 and 7. So what could be termed a 'sufficient' but not particularly lively. On the other hand, the question "believes that in general people should be more involved in public decisions?", 118 out of 130 responded well designed with high, 7 to 10. This then is the fundamental fact: a significant number of terranuovesi not engaged in traditional politics and, in general, not particularly interested in it, asked to be more heavily involved in public decisions.

VDM: I remind you that no more than two years ago the Mayor and the City Council rejected the attempts of public participation to improve the design of the Garden City. He was refused even the minimal required to review the location of public parks, without prejudice to volume, timing and procedures. You think the Democratic Party and the Centre for Newfoundland are ready to grant the request for involvement emerged from the participatory budgeting?
M.: Both the Democratic Party as the center should be open to new feelings that are emerging. With 'experience have shown that just ended when the policy is proposed in a positive way citizens respond with strong signals and many ask to participate. This is mostly motivated individuals who wish to contribute to decision making without excessive intermediazioni. Spesso purtroppo la politica guarda con fastidio a questi soggetti: tende infatti a lasciare fuori dal proprio ambito le posizioni critiche ed a conservare la base acritica, quella che comunque garantisce voti e consensi senza sollevare troppi problemi. Così, allargando lo sguardo alla scena nazionale, non mi stupisco che oggi ci sia chi, nello stesso Pd, mette in discussione lo strumento delle primarie. L’ obiettivo di una partecipazione estesa alle scelte politiche e amministrative è la strada che più di ogni altra dovrà segnare il futuro del nostro partito e del centro sinistra, anche se per far questo c’ è bisogno di iniziare da subito a ripensare i ruoli attuali della politica. Mettere in discussione il 'Potere of choice 'citizenship and participation in this process is an essential and defining a political force that wants to be modern and in line with the company.

VDM: We can therefore conclude that the 'experience of participatory budgeting is likely to be repeated over the years?
M.: I would repeat itself and that it could implement its contents. We will try to ensure that the options do not remain limited to the creation or maintenance of public works, but that the form of participatory budgeting can also come to understand the choice of the services provided by 'body. It is the intention of further 'Administration use paths and participatory processes in other areas, such as the' urban and regional planning.

VDM: A 'last question, almost obligatory. Will we eventually see Newfoundland to join the ranks of common virtuous?
M.: The Association of Municipalities Virtuosi is a beautiful experience of people capable and valuable content. I am fortunate to know people who have approached these experiences and I the chance to share some of the projects and follow through on the choices of 'Directors. I think it's important to work on issues and share projects and experiences that so many other virtuous common in Italy are the promotion and development. Undertake participatory policies in that direction. Likewise can be said for other assistance on environmental issues. In this way it is important to involve citizens and transfer their contents, making sure to keep up proposals and initiatives for their own sake then basically leave no trace. Go on this path is what I think is most important, beyond 's accession to or less formal' Association of Commons Virtuosi.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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looking up for the health our children

Taken from newsletter Va 'Pensiero (Pensiero Scientifico Editore).

Children breathe Taranto benzo (a) pyrene, a carcinogen released mainly dall'acciaieria Ilva a stone's throw from the city. Lower inputs is difficult. By a decree of the law, the government has postponed by two years the ban on passing European air pollution thresholds.

Yesterday, a delegation of Peacelink met with the Parliamentary Commission for children because the measure is changed. Good news? The pediatrician as it can contribute to improving the lives of children who should protect them "enhanced"?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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The civil service: it could give more

In Italy we are very skilled in squandering assets. Of all kinds. So let's losing culture, nature, landscape, quality of life, education, fun and what little we had of social cohesion. All 'skills and then join the' hypocrisy, so that often conceal the retreat by pretending to be great progress. Remember how it went with the military service? In 2001 the government ordered that Amato would have been suspended with effect from 1 January 2007. By the way: the measure (a legislative decree) was issued the 'May 8, five days before the general election. Three years after Berlusconi succeduto ad Amato, anticipò al 1 gennaio 2005 la sospensione del servizio, rivendicando a sé il merito di aver “regalato a 150 mila ragazzi un anno di vita per costruire il loro futuro”. Due decisioni infauste. Nel sentire comune era infatti consolidata l’ idea che quanto meno la popolazione maschile dovesse dedicare un congruo periodo di tempo al servizio del proprio Paese. Un servizio che per lo più consisteva in un addestramento militare ma che poteva anche espletarsi in ambito civile. Una volta poi che è stata ritenuta preferibile la formazione di un esercito composto da professionisti piuttosto che da soldati di leva, si sarebbe potuto chiedere a tutti, uomini e donne, un anno di servizio civile. Un sacrificio non eccessivamente pesante for the individual, but a huge benefit to the community. Just think about the forces that would be available for the 'care of elderly and needy, the protection of' environmental, cultural promotion, the promotion of artistic beauty. In addition to the institutions' activities and volunteer work which would have added a third, huge pillars: one formed by young people who, before entering the working world, they become full citizens in an act of solidarity with their country. But these young people were seen only as a reservoir of consensus as to tickle the voters rather than calling a responsibility gaudeatis igitur, spassatevela and enjoy it, they were told. Removing una pietra angolare a un modello sociale fondamentalmente improntato alla mutualità e alla solidarietà. Qualcuno crede che in futuro sia possibile tornare indietro?

La redazione