Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Syndrome X More Condition_symptoms

Terranuova: I am a new equilibrium or are still the same?

The month of December has given birth to so much news that is hard to pick a topic on which to focus.
We could talk about snow and discomfort, increase the security deposit of Publiacqua for those not paying by bank account, the sale of the gas network in Newfoundland Intesa Spa or the share of environmental problems that will go to Newfoundland at Sangiovanni. We'll talk about in the coming weeks.
Today we talk about balance ...
The reasoning is achieved by two facts:
  1. the resignation of the President of pluriservizi
  2. division of the PDL of Newfoundland with the consequent birth of the group "for Newfoundland Freedoms "
Two very different facts, but that touch on both their political balance. Changing. Or maybe not.
Samuel Falsetti (IDV) has resigned as president of Pluriservizi not only to the question "round and advertising" but a series of misunderstandings / incompatibility with the administration and the majority. Or so we could understand from reading the newspapers that carried parts of the letter of resignation.
Question: They broke the relationship between personal trust administration or Falsetti and also broke the alliance between the PD and IDV Socialists?
In fact, although the same values \u200b\u200bof Italy is part of the alliance which won elections in 2009, a 'possible breakdown in the relationship between PD and IDV would not have any impact in terms of numbers on the balance of city \u200b\u200bcouncil. This is because among the advisers elected by the majority there are no representatives in proportion IDV.
And then the IDV does not count in the majority? And ask in what reports are now PD and IDV SOCIALIST is completely useless?
The fact is that the three parties agreed to submit in 2009 with a single asterisk (center-to Newfoundland) and accepting the list of candidates advisers, agreed to be one, refusing to "count" .
say now how much "weight" in electoral terms the IDV in Newfoundland is virtually impossible. It would be wrong to say che il peso dell’IDV è rappresentato dai soli 8 voti di preferenza presi dallo stesso Falsetti nel 2009 ma è anche strumentale sostenere che l’IDV a Terranuova pesa l’8% o il 9% come ottiene nella nostra circoscrizione quando si vota alle politiche.
Dire invece quanto pesa l’IDV dentro al consiglio comunale è facile: nulla. Pertanto esplicitare i rapporti che ci sono adesso all’interno della maggioranza sarebbe senz’altro corretto e trasparente (oltre che curioso). Ma a livello numerico sostanzialmente inutile.
L’altra novità è quella della scissione del PDL di Terranuova. Divergenze interne hanno portato ben 3 consiglieri comunali (Trabucco, Francalanci e Lucacci) su 5 a costituire un nuovo gruppo “Terranuova per le libertà”. Di fatto in questo momento in consiglio comunale è più rappresentato questa costola di PDL che il PDL stesso. “Dovrebbero dimettersi perché hanno tradito il mandato degli elettori e perché sono stati eletti con un simbolo che non rappresentano più” è l’idea dei vertici del partito.
Sebbene la questione sia delicata non ne sono così convinto. O quantomeno c’è da discuterne. Non a caso le regole della democrazia non prevedono questa prassi automatica.
Altrimenti anziché candidati voteremmo i soli vertici di partito e anziché novecento e rotti parlamentari avremmo una decina di rappresentanti di partito che voterebbero con un’alzata di mano dal valore ponderato in base alla percentuale ottenuta alle elezioni.
In più, il caso di TpL (Terranuova per le libertà), e non me ne vogliano Lucia Leonardo e Luca, sebbene venga paragonato e accostato a Futuro e Liberta sembra più simile all’Api di Rutelli.  Non parlo di schieramento politico ma di conseguenti variazioni agli equilibri esistenti: Fli è infatti passata dalla maggioranza all’opposizione, API dall’opposizione all’opposizione: come ha fatto Terranuova per le Libertà: senza rompere gli equilibri tra vincitori e vinti. Ne Fini né Rutelli (né tantomeno Calearo o la Binetti) mi sembra si siano dimessi.
Quanto vale il PDL senza Trabucco, Francalanci e Lucacci? E quanto valgono i tra scissionisti senza PDL? Boh…
E gli equilibri? A livello numerico, anche qui non è cambiato granché… l’opposizione ha sempre i soliti numeri.
Le mie sono senz'altro riflessioni semplici e incomplete, lascio pertanto spazio ai commenti. per i necessari arricchimenti, augurando a tutti un felice 2011.
Francesco Nocentini

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Autoimmune Diseases More Condition_symptoms

Dear Santa ..

Dear Santa,
because in these days you'll be deluged with letters and select gifts to busy to put in the bag your wild night on the courier with the slide (this time among other things, you'll be fine, has fallen quite a bit 'of your reindeer and snow will go to great) I will not avoid further complicating the job. So rather than write those things I'd like to receive, I decided to send a list of what I do not want more ..
A starting with this strange fashion of calling things by different names: one who changes his mind because he receives something in return can not be called responsible (and sold), a cop who beats a student who is not an obvious (but violent), a which pays a sum of money in the pockets of a woman in exchange for sexual services is not a conqueror fascinating (but a pimp, oops! sorry ..) and the girl in question is certainly not an 'escort.
Come on Dad, now that is public knowledge that certain characters go to hell (excuse ops! again ..), we have invented a name to call them smart. We miss to rename the murder in "kind invitation to a life after death early" ..
One who sits in parliament without being elected by the people is not an elected (but mentioned). An amount of money you pay consistently each year without having the opportunity to choose whether or not it is not a subscription (but a fee). One that responds to one head, one master to obey, regardless of the position of defending a single person to a house, a car, a paycheck or a career is not a journalist or a conductor or an elected official, or a senator or a public administrator (but a lackey). A gay person is not a different (but equal to me, to you, well as to that of the Epiphany Epiphany). An alien is not a criminal (but a man born in another country).
Dear Santa .. I do not want to hear about red robes, the communists, fascists, wiretapping, preventive arrests, the chill of night on the A1, paralysis of the FS, emergencies handled badly, collapsing buildings, explosions and accidents on work of immunities in homes in Monaco and whores in Sardinia (ops! excuse .. three!). But aid to those who today can not live, jobs, trust in new generations of loans easier for families, elderly care, political commitment, responsibility civil sense of the state.
Dear Santa .. I do not want to hear more talk of preventive arrests, prior to the resignation of the current limit of the political class, unable to grasp the nature of the real needs of the country. I do not want to see more personal dramas beaten for months on the front pages of newspapers, then ready to be forgotten the next family tragedy.
Dear Santa .. I thank you because I know how good you are and put any gift under my tree, I will be fine.
But if you were thinking of "The heart and the sword," I ask at least this year to review your projects.
O my heart .. Or the sword .. Because both of them together just can not swallow it!
Good Christmas Eve ..

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Diverticular Disease More Condition_symptoms


for the 39th Christmas punctually ASD Skating Pieris shows the track of the Wise Social Palasport Municipal Pieris Via A. Frank Saturday, December 18th at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 19 at 17:30 . Since its foundation, in fact, the sports club rotellistica pierissina not Miss the public spectacle in the traditional year-end, full of creativity and skill of the participants, the red and white magazines of the skaters are always appreciated even by those skating do not know.

The sports club in Via A. Frank invests a lot in this sort shows, after an intense season and full of great sporting successes and sacrifices organization (AICS International Trophy in May and 7th Regions Trophy in October). Just as promotional, but this year the magazine is offered to the public to know and love the sport and bring more to the younger generation on 8 wheels.

The show this year: "JUKE BOX '60-'70-'80-'90" with about seventy of skaters on the track brings back the roaring years of the most popular songs in bars, on beaches and in the dance halls of those years.
lights, special effects, environments with the vintage fashion and scenery almost gigantic welcome the audience with the musical choice of "microgroove" most popular in the juke box.

During the event in the early evening of Saturday, December 18 will be an opportunity for the company's President Zorzin, already rich in a historic medal, to reward, in the presence of many authorities who have already signed (among others there will be Olympic champion Chiara Cainero, testimonial of BCC del Friuli VG) the recent sensational results gathered in recent months and the international world of weeks ago in Portugal. Besides the blues Potrimao, Alessandra Sain, Francesca and Giulia Bibalo Zorzin, parade Roberta Vidal (blue in the European Cup rookie of the city), the young athletes pierissini Trophy 2010 and all regions of the skaters involved in the successful season ended, which has brought much satisfaction to the athletes, Technical and families of red and white Pieris skating. A 'nice opportunity to find and exchange greetings.

On behalf of the Company ASD SKATING Pieris extend greetings for the holiday season 'to all supporters, collaborators and sponsors.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Antique Orange Juice Squeezer

University and research, what future? The Voice of the interview Tuesday

is back to talk college newspapers, on the street, inside the television. We speak, more or less well, research funding, reform of universities, researchers 'unavailable'.
The information circulating soprattutto nei telegiornali e nelle trasmissioni cosiddette di approfondimento sono spesso faziose, inevitabilmente restano sulla superficie. Da un lato un ministro della Repubblica Italiana che parla come un disco rotto di merito e di lotta ai baroni (ma il suo cv, sia detto tra parentesi, lascia intendere che non è stato il merito, nell’accezione più alta, a guidarne il cursus honorum), dall’altro ci sono politici che hanno capito con estremo ritardo la rilevanza della questione in gioco (in passato l’università ha rappresentato quasi una zavorra più che l’elemento su cui puntare, per immaginare un futuro meno asfissiante di quello che si può intravedere ora).
I mali dell’università from far away: there is an extensive publications on which the curious reader can retrace (by Raffaele Simone essays to the recent 'The researchers do not grow on trees' Sylos Labini and Zapper). In any case, should not be allowed to talk about education and research to the sound of slogans. This is not to sell detergent, or a pair of shoes, so dear to the Prime Minister. Here we are faced with a case where the remedy seems worse than the disease.
What would the consequences of the bill, if finally approved? Summarizing brutally
  • reducing the autonomy of universities through the introduction of external sponsors on the boards;
  • radical cuts to public funding of universities (which for years has decreased anyway);
  • reduction of turn-over (not all of those who retire will be replaced);
  • exasperation of insecurity.
In addition, the issue is not resolved long-standing legal status of researchers, most of which was declared unavailable for teaching. But, mind you, it would be incorrect to say that researchers are on strike, or who are privileged because they have a contract of employment nationally. The alleged privilege it suffers Then when you apply for the municipal nursery: not having a contract defined, the researcher for the hard-working municipal employees do not work. Strike when a category is not fulfilling its contractual obligations, many Italian researchers are simply withdrawing a willingness which for years was free, voluntary, often made out of pure passion.
Who does not look real if the day is red on the calendar, 'researcher' more than a profession is an attitude, a constant challenge to do more and better. Politicians do not like too much to deal with this universe: you prefer the slogan depth, seriousness does not pay nor does win the election, asleep as we are from decades of mediocre television.
Silvia Calamai - researcher

What Is Gout More Condition_symptoms

The Phantom of the landfill

Vi presentiamo quest'articolo degli amici dell'Istituto Mario Negri di Milano , pubblicato sul Sole24ore Sanità, che addresses the problem of waste in Naples and its relationship with health. For clarity, aiuate to understand, to try to do our part.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sliding Closet Vancouver

IMPACT 2010 (Interdisciplinary Cooperative Multitask Pain Tutorial)

In March 2010 parliament approved the law unanimously 38 having as its object "Measures to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy." To promote the application of the law quickly and uniformly throughout the country was held in Rome on November 22 last year at the Ministry of Health meeting of 40 major Italian scientific societies, including the ACP. This meeting, called IMPACT 2010 (Interdisciplinary Multitask Pain Cooperative Tutorial) follows the first meeting in Florence in July 2010. The IMPACT project 2010 has as objective to promote "The actual impact at national level 38 of the Law on good clinical practice in pain management." Do so, namely, that Law 38 does not remain a law is not uniformly applied or not applied, as was the case for the project "Hospital without pain" from 2001. The ACP, which for years has at heart the problem of prevention of procedural pain and pain therapy has promoted, among other things, research into how pain is treated in the pediatric wards of hospitals in Italy, took part actively the wording of the pediatric part of the law. Pain therapy is applied to the therapeutic approach for chronic forms of pain control. Palliative care, however, as defined by the World Health Organization, are "an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families who are confronted with the problems associated with incurable diseases through prevention and relief from suffering , achieved through early identification and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual. " Among other things, according to this law, doctors must all must register on the chart each patient's pain intensity (after appropriate measurement of pain using the appropriate scale) and analgesic medication in the dosage and results. And this must be done both at local level hospital. The law provides for the establishment of two separate care networks. A network (which includes the Hospice) ensure the implementation of palliative care to terminally ill patients, the other, which includes clinics and centers of Pain Therapy, provides assistance to patients with chronic pain. These networks involve both general practitioners, hospital specialists and Algology that, in order to ensure the best course of patient care. The law also provides art. 12, paragraph 2, the availability of 100 million euro per year and € 2,450,000 in the biennium 2010-2011 for the implementation of experiments on the regional project "Hospital-territory without pain." They are also subject to the specialized training and retraining of health personnel, with university courses and masters are dedicated to the theme of the ad hoc pain. For the first time in Europe was established for children as a right of access to palliative care and pain management through specific dedicated services. The ACP feel concerned at the forefront in the application of the law concerning children is through the dissemination content of the law itself is by organizing training programs for pediatricians and family of those hospitals.

Luciano de Seta Hospital ACP Group Coordinator

Congestive Heart Failure More Condition_symptoms

"In the footsteps of Maria Bonino ... How to change the way of cooperation in Africa "Aosta Regional Exhibition Palace, Piazza Deffeyes 1 Friday, January 21, 2011 ore 8:30 to 17:30

The changes occurred in the last decade have seen the proliferation of cooperative activities and increased the wealth of complex relations international, stimulating a variety of relationships and forms of actions. In this scenario, governments, regional, local and non-governmental institutions to promote cooperation with partners from multiple relational processes nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. Ciò si traduce in nuove dinamiche istituzionali e operative meritevoli di approfondimento.
I contenuti del convegno riguarderanno:
  • i compiti ed i ruoli dei Governi Nazionali (con la partecipazione del Direttore Generale della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Esteri Italiano dr.ssa Elisabetta Belloni, del Vice-Ministro della Salute della Repubblica dell’Angola dr.ssa Evelise J. da C. Frestas) e Regionali (Presidente della Giunta della Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta dr Augusto Rollandin e Assessore alla Sanità dr Albert Lanièce);
  • i compiti ed i ruoli di alcune Agenzie Decentralized Cooperation (Doctors with Africa Cuamm, Médecins sans Frontières, pearl Child Health Centre), exposing the point of view of their institutional representatives;
  • experiences and testimonies of some actors from academia (University Trieste and Naples) and the co-op about projects taking place in some African realities.
During the day, will host the traditional ceremony of delivery of dellaBorsa Studio named Maria Bonino, a doctor who has carried unostudio on health issues in the field of maternal and child in the South, with the sponsorship of ' Order Physicians and Surgeons of Valle d'Aosta and the Foundation Maria Bonino.
The after-meeting, at 21.00, will offer a moment of joyful entertainment at the Auditorium of the Citadel Youth of Aosta, with music inspired by Africa and not only to it, with the participation of a chorus of children and young musicians, giving way to a particular memory of Liliana Pomi, a pediatrician who recently passed away, a music lover, very close to Maria Bonino in the profession and in life.

See the poster of the conference

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Million-dollar Screenwriting

Mauro Amerighi

After the three questions Luca Trabucco (interview published November 2 on this blog http://lavocedelmartedi.blogspot.com/2010/11/intervista-luca trabucco.html-) is the turn of the Mayor of Newfoundland Amerighi Mauro.

Newfoundland, three key issues to be addressed immediately, the center three priorities for the coming months .. What do you think?
Certainly our historical center requires a series of qualifying. One of these, namely the rehabilitation of some roads within the city walls, is already underway and will be finished within the next year.
Also in 2011 will start a specific project that will involve citizens, schools and associations in a location where all contribute to an overall rethinking of the center. The idea is to develop a path that goes by the rediscovery of the past to the present analysis to the proposed ideas for the future. The results of this work will constitute the prodrome the design of new public works and will be declined in the provisions of the planning rules that will go up for adoption in 2012.
need to "integrate" the new developments that have positively changed our urban fabric, I think the Church of Santa Maria Nuova and the Bridge to the nuns. These are the two landmarks that define the visual axis of those attending the club. Works should be made to link the surrounding areas that qualify for these operations.
addition to the enhancement of public spaces will be important to create rules and incentives that also encourage the redevelopment of private buildings.
In this way citizens and traders will have more opportunities to make changes to their homes and shops.
For companies that insist on our territory, Newfoundland is undergoing a "second life" of economic development and employment. The Administration is accompanying this growth with timely intervention in urban development. To give a concrete example: Power One, which reached over 1200 people this year, has expanded its establishment following the variant approved by the City Council very rapidly, because satisfy the conditions for the application of a particular procedure.
The next goal is to foster the development of Valvigna, either by switching quickly to the adoption of implementation plans (which are the means by which the forecast is realized urban), or by changing the rules in order to simplify operations .
Despite the economic crisis, Newfoundland remains an attractive area for productive investments. The development of the valley, as well as having a major relapse of employment, an opportunity to retrain to reach areas and infrastructure works needed to "join" our tissue urban.
There remains the question of the areas around the Gate. The Towns of Newfoundland, St. John Montevarchi and have committed to seeking a plan agreed to address the key challenges relating to traffic and urbanization of these areas.
With the City Council of 29 November us we have certified compliance with the Stability Pact for the year 2010. Into the coffers of the town came new revenue not provided for in the budget. This allows us to make next year special maintenance of public works for 1,800,000 (già previsti nel 2010)
Bene. Nuove piste ciclabili, la nuova passerella del “Ciardi” € 470.000. Ristrutturazioni, riqualificazione, completamento di piccole opere pubbliche del capoluogo e delle frazioni, la viabilità minore, verde pubblico e nuovi punti di illuminazione.

A livello nazionale il Partito democratico sembra soffrire soprattutto tre problemi: la ricerca di un’ identità, il ricambio generazionale – con Renzi e i rottamatori che hanno dato un segnale forte e chiaro – e i rapporti fa gli ex DS e gli ex Margherita. Cosa ne pensi?

Siamo in a period of profound social and economic transformation (epoch), then adjustment difficulties of the Party and the national political system and to judge such complex processes.
The PDL has just been born already dissolving.
The PD is a national party, pluralist beliefs and ethics that will retrieve a collective responsibility and, therefore, can be the basis of institutional renewal and political as well as a moderate center-right pole (which is over Berlusconi) and the Radical Left (no more ideological) they will face and confront a government program.
There are differences of root depth PD nelle diverse regioni d’Italia.
Credo che il rinnovamento ed il radicamento sia più solido nelle regioni dove il Centro Sinistra governa, come in Toscana, nel Valdarno, a Terranuova.
In tali contesti è più facile superare la provenienza e la storia individuale ( Ex DS ex Margherita)
Vale piuttosto l’ adesione ai programmi e la coesione dei gruppi dirigenti sulle scelte amministrative di governo (come a Terranuova)
Diversamente nel Nord Italia dove il radicamento nella realtà urbana deve essere di nuovo riconquistato, sfidando La Lega sui temi della sicurezza, immigrazione, famiglia, sociale.
Nel Sud Italia abbiamo un profondo bisogno di rinnovamento dei quadri dirigenti regionali e provinciali che valorizzino veramente un rinnovamento generazionale mettendo al centro obiettivi come la lotta alla mafia, trasformazione ed efficienza amministrativa, produttività degli investimenti, sviluppo economico e valorizzazione del territorio.

Torniamo in ambito locale. Le opposizioni dicono che negli ultimi anni è stato fatto poco per Terranuova e quanto fatto è stato gestito male: su tutte, le vicende di Casamonti e della discarica. C’è qualcosa che, con il senno di poi, affronteresti in maniera diversa?
I believe that the exploitation of certain events such as Casamonti the landfill and the opposition have served to cover shortage of ideas and alternative programs to government that continues to be part of the center-left majority. In these two years of deep national crisis, not only economic but also political and moral, Newfoundland is proving with facts and figures to be in contrast with a balanced and sustainable development, with a cohesive community that participates in the management of public services, careful responsible to the territory of the common good.
A Newfoundland continues to grow, the population increased from 11,400 inhabitants in 2003 to 12,400 in the 2010 biennium 2009/2010 have increased employment in industry and services to nearly 1,000 units not only One Power, Prada, Zucchetti, but also manufacturing and commerce, new applications for industrial plants, expansions of existing companies, care to private investment projects land development in tourism hospitality.
major public works in progress, many aimed at a profound transformation of the capital, structural measures on all the villages, extension services (waste collection, green maintenance in all fractions), low taxes, excellent school system, canteens, in kindergarten centers, social service, cultural, in youth policies. No! There is something that, in hindsight tackled differently. What has hindered and slowed down the action and the administrative program of the Center Left and external events are beyond our control and of 'commitment that we have put: finance laws, the Stability Pact, Casamonti each other, each extension of the landfill.
all right? Certainly not! Self-criticism and take responsibility on the course, but also from the opposition and less personal attacks would be more constructive criticisms and strong stimuli and welcome to the benefit of our citizens.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Antique/vintage Towel Bars

Award Born to Read presents its second edition


Award Born to Read presents its second edition
to "More free books" in Rome

Even children in the jury for the "Growing with Books"

Saturday, December 4, 2010, at 17 - Children's Corner, Area Meetings

The National Award Born to Read presenta la sua seconda edizione alla Fiera nazionale “Più libri più liberi” di Roma, che si svolge dal 4 all’8 dicembre al Palazzo dei Congressi dell’Eur. Sabato 4 dicembre alle ore 17 presso lo Spazio Ragazzi (Area Incontri) saranno illustrate le cinque sezioni del riconoscimento che sostiene i migliori libri, progetti editoriali e progetti di promozione alla lettura per i più piccoli, in scadenza il 31 gennaio 2011 .
Particolare attenzione sarà dedicata alla sezione Crescere con i libri , that makes children players in the role of small jurors and this year sees the involvement of the city Bologna, Rome and Turin .
The meeting, organized by libraries in Rome, participating Valeria Anfossi (educationist and head of the Cultural Centre for the Arts and Creativity of ITER, the City of Turin), Cecilia Cognigni (Head of Public Services Area, Cultural Activities of the Public Library of Turin), Anna Maria Di Giovanni (Public Relations and Promotion of Children Specialist Centre) Eugenio Pintore (Sector Manager Libraries, Archives and Cultural Institutes of the Piedmont Region) and Hyginus Poggiali (former president Italian Library Association).

Section Growing up with books Prize Born to Read indicates the best book for children aged between 3 and 6 years , published in Italy between 2007 and 2010 and on the theme "Books to laugh: humor in books for children."
This section is divided into several stages . At first the libraries of the three cities involved in the second edition of the Prize ( Turin, Rome and Bologna) report a range of titles. The ten best books considered are then submitted to the court of children (3 to 6 years), parents and teachers that from December 2010 to March 2011 read the selected works and express their preferences (the work takes place on the selected volumes in libraries, reading centers, kindergartens and nursery schools in the three cities). Finally, the votes cast by participants are evaluated by the Jury, which has the final assessment .
For the year 2012 the applications of the cities that wish to be involved must be received by the end of May 2011 .

The other four sections are Books in the pipeline (publishing project aimed at the best new, suitable for children aged between 6 and 24 months); be born with books (reserved for the best book published in Italy for children between 6 and 36 months); Networks books (to the best p roject to promote reading to children aged between 0 and 5 years, able to involve the larger number of subjects); Pasquale Case : (addressed to the pediatrician who, adhering to the Born to Read project, promote as effectively as the practice of reading aloud in the family). The winners will be awarded in May at the 24th edition of the International Book Fair of Turin .

Aimed at publishers, librarians, teachers, librarians, educators, pediatricians and local authorities, the National Award Born to Read is established by the Piedmont Region and organized in collaboration with the City of Turin (ITER and Libraries Civic Turin), the Foundation for Books, Music and Culture (which promotes the annual International Book Fair of Turin) and the National Coordinator of the project Born to Read (supported by 'Association Cultural Paediatricians, the ' Italian Library Association and the Center for child health Onlus ). The award, which has the patronage of Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Ibby Italy, won the medal President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

On the website www.natiperleggere.it (See "Prize"), you can download the announcement and attachments form for participation in the second edition of the Prize.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drivers License In Columbus Oh

Silver Group World Revival

A show of rare scenic beauty and choreographic the atmosphere of ancient Egypt brought on by the Grande Group Portimao track "Revival" (Breganze, Trieste and Pieris), colors, lights and costumes perfect, under the direction of Sandro Guerra has won a world silver lucicante.

A bit 'of regret as the gold medal was within reach, only an unexpected loss of balance of an athlete, a fall that caused by dragging a second companion of the group, has affected a large Revival of performance.

One result, however brilliant pool of companies that achieved by Triveni that the sacrifices and rewards teamwork. Among the 25 athletes took to the track at the World Championships in Portimao also two athletes in the PA Pieris, Francesca Bibalo e Giulia Zorzin.

"E' stata un'esperienza davvero incredibile, c'era molta tensione e consapevolezza di essere fra i favoriti. Ognuno di noi ha dato il massimo di se stesso per portare alla vetrina mondiale questo grande progetto studiato sotto la guida di Sandro", afferma la Zorzin che assieme a Francesca, dopo aver assaporato l'oro tricolore ottenuto a Conegliano, hanno fatto il loro debutto sulla scena mondiale.

Grande sostegno e tifo a Pieris durante le gare mondiali di Francesca, Giulia e Alessandra, dove è stata seguita la diretta televisiva degli avvenimenti sportivi su schermo gigante, montato appositamente nel Palasport Comunale di via Anna Frank.
the return of three athletes was organized a reception party.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jacksonville Fl Brazilian Wax

Podere Rota of volunteers and sniffer waste Naples

Under the heading "About us" the portal of the town of Newfoundland are several interesting articles, many of which relate to the landfill at Podere Rota. I try to summarize the contents to try to discuss all problems and hardships that are / were involved.
Everything seems left a few months ago: the question of "bad smells" in fact is not yet been completed and the procedure for environmental impact assessment to be suspended since last summer because trials carried out so far do not seem to be exhaustive.
short, if the expansion of the landfill will or not is not yet known. What we do know is that you are looking for "urgently" volunteers for monitoring odors, hundreds of volunteers for three months they put their olfactory ability to serve the community.
But doubts about the analysis made "a nose" are added to the questions, if possible, even more urgent. The President of the Region Rossi in fact, a few days ago, has opened the ability to accept landfill Tuscan (one of which is, of course, also Farm Rota) waste that invade Naples, as happened a few years ago. "Solidarity in Naples, not the government," said the President.
"No thanks, we are full," replied the mayors of the Arno valley. And the mayor of Newfoundland has reaffirmed the notion that with the current state of our landfills would not be possible to accept the "rubbish" bell. Indeed, even in 2011 will no longer waste from Florence, also because, if there was no extension, "life" of the landfill Podere Rota would be really running out. Just over a year and the "pot" will be ridge.
Francis N.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Toddler Cystic Fibrosis Seizure

World Cup bronze in the race SAIN

splendid debut of skater mock pierissina Only in Dance.

debut to remember for Alex Sain, the star of skating Pieris, who yesterday afternoon was judged in Portimao, Portugal, the third in the race reserved for the Junior Solo Dance.

The seventeen pierissina surprised the audience by staging a great mix of music by Michael Jackson, a lively and spirited program that has won over the opinion of the judges, with particular appreciation of the U.S. delegation cha awarded a prestigious nine for artistic impression. The Sain is therefore able to confirm the third took place in the first half of the race, reserved for the compulsory dance, in which he had given a good account of itself.

very satisfied with this result by the President of the PA Pieris, Cesare Zorzin, fan away with his athlete, "Alessandra was the newcomer of the group and the most giovade among all the athletes in its class. Surely has been shown to have character, although it can still grow: it has kept its promises. "

Felice also the coach, Giulia Zorzin: "Sandra took excellent disc from start to finish, managing to keep behind one of the absolute favorites of the race, the Portuguese Pet Giant Ines." Toni euphoric for the President of the Regional FIHP and coach Alessandra, Fabio Hollan: "really good test of Sain and well-deserved bronze.

The title went to the U.S. pluricampionessa Nicole Leonard, silver in the race for another Italian, Andrea Bassi, author of a splendid performance especially in the free disk.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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My brother is a disabled

Thomas Montini , pediatrician, Cultural Association of Paediatricians .

brothers and sisters of children disabled patients often have secondary, both in the eyes of parents and to those of people from outside who, with different roles, helping to give support to the family for the management of disability. First, the family pediatrician. This "invisibility" can profoundly mark their mental and physical growth and requires special attention.
The birth of a child with disability is an emotional burden of suffering and responsibility that irreversibly affects the internal dynamics of the family. Often, even the couple's relationship degenerates into a painful conflict. In this context, the healthy siblings - not considered in their needs - are forced to adapt difficult. They are often charged with responsibility inappropriate to their age and are found only in managing violent internal conflicts: jealousy, anger, fear, combined with a strong bond to her brother / sister with disabilities.
The child who experiences a solitude or a pattern of insecure attachment, constructs an image of the hostile world, not to be trusted. You crystallize in his belief that the internal working models will have to solve their own problems, that others may not be reliable. All this will affect the social and emotional growth and may cause difficulties of adjustment, anxiety and depression.
support interventions, focused on disability, almost never respond the needs of the family, and do not consider those of others. The studies we have are largely devoted to the impact of disability on affected child and its parents, but the experience of siblings is virtually ignored. In Italy there are few studies conducted on the needs of disabled brothers and on small numbers. The Cultural Association of Paediatricians propose to start all over cross-sectional survey using a questionnaire to be offered to siblings of people with disabilities and a normal population of homogeneous age as a control.
For effective support is more necessary than ever to find 'protective factors' that are also targeted to his brothers operators to support the family, facilitate their opening to other social realities, and action to allow the brothers to build friendly relationships with peers outside (sports, school, recreation centers) and parents a restore (operator to accompany the disabled child to school or rehabilitation center or to help him wash).

November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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Air quality values limit to be reviewed

Cultural Association Pediatricians (ACP), the Italian Society of Paediatrics (SIP) and the Italian Federation of Paediatricians (FIMP) ask the Government to review the thresholds of benzo (a) pyrene set in the measure (Dl 155 2010) published in the Official Gazette on September 15 last year, postponing the ban until 31 December 2012 exceeded the level of one nanogram per cubic meter for this pollutant. "very surprising the adoption by the Italian government of this Decree," write to the Council of Ministers, Paolo Siani, president of ACP, Alberto Ugazio, chairman of the SIP, and Joseph Mele, president of FIMP . A decree that "in fact it still 2 years for Italian citizens at risk of exposure to high levels of this dangerous pollutant, freeing companies that pollute the obligation to reduce emissions in excess." In particular, "keeps this unacceptable situation of risk citizens and children of Taranto, a city where Europe's largest steelmaker, Ilva, enter, according to calculations ARPA Puglia, 98% of benzo (a) pyrene in the nearest neighborhood. " The EU Directive provides that "if there is a risk that the levels of pollutants will exceed the alert threshold set, Member States shall draw up action plans indicating the measures to be taken in the short term to reduce the risk or the duration of overrun. ( Source: Pediatrics 33)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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The economic crisis, seen from below

Sticker Altan

This week we publish an interesting contribution of Leonardo Lucacci, City Council of the PDL in B.ni Newfoundland, on the economic crisis: a very personal point of view, technical, practical analysis of a father who cares about the future. The Editor wishes to thank the readers for which reserve account to the blog. Continues to write and send le vostre riflessioni, nei limiti delle possibilità editoriali de La Voce del Martedì, ci impegneremo a pubblicare i vostri contenuti. Buona lettura.

L'attuale crisi economica è stata affrontata in mille sfaccettature: il crack bancario, quello finanziario speculativo, gli effetti della globalizzazione, le inefficenze statali, la politica monetaria europea, la concorrenza sleale della Cina, la dimensione delle imprese italiane, ecc..  Non ho ne l'autorità, ne le competenze di avventurarmi in un tema così complicato.  Quello però che vorrei portare a conoscenza di tutti coloro che avranno la pazienza di leggermi è un My thoughts, my reading of the crisis, that time I became particularly inspired by the experience of my work which brings me to confront the "real economy". Obviously my thoughts I will also base it on economic reality. I examine a period between the entry of the euro as currency exchange, from 2002 to 2008. During this period, I observe the changes in the prices of certain products and activities. I think the price of property, that of some food, gasoline and diesel fuel. Then look at some economic data such as inflation, the Euribor, the rate € / $, the price of oil and gold. And in the end we try to pull the conclusion. From 2002 to 2008 house prices and more specifically the houses have almost doubled. An apartment with 5 rooms in 2000 you could buy with 300 million of "old francs" in 2002/2003 already cost € 200,000, or 33% more. The average data tell us in fact that in 1999 house prices per square meter (deflated) were € 2,800, while in 2007 to reach € 3,900. past to some food consumption is high. For example, the price of milk paid by consumers, rose from about 0.75 € / l in 1990 to 1.40 € / l in 2007 (+86%). It 'good to point out that this happened while the price of milk production has collapsed! then we see the bread. E 'increased from € 1.03 per kilogram in 1995 to € 2.70 per kilogram in 2007 (+262%). Let the cost of transport. The price of unleaded at the pump in 2002 cost € 1.154 / l in 2008 stood at € 1.390 / lt. Then increased by 20%. The oil in the same period grew from € 0.86 / l in 2002 to € 1.51 / l in 2008, an increase of 76% going to go further than the price of gasoline. If you remember that was the year when diesel cars were bought even by those who made 10,000 km a year. And "right" the sign of the oil has punished a blunder by increasing the price of gasoline. rate that is used as a benchmark for borrowing money (loans for house purchase, corporate finance, etc.), the Euribor, started from a 2002 which was closed at 3% to to 2008 to 3.29%. Apparently so little has changed. But it is not. In fact, until 2005 the rate was always below 3% until you start to climb from June 2006 to reach the peak of 5.11% in October 2008, a period in which the crisis had badly knocked on the door. Even after the summer of 2008 the companies had stopped abruptly. The fax did not receive more orders. The turnover era ridotto al lumicino. Anche le più grandi aziende, quelle più strutturate, che pianificano, avevano davanti uno scenario imprevisto e che sembrava irreversibile: la chiusura dell'attività. Poi l'Euribor è bruscamente calato sotto il 2%.  Infine vediamo come si è comportato il cambio €/$. Nel 2002 si parte da una sostanziale parità a 1,00 e una crescita inesorabile fino a toccare 1,58 ad agosto 2008. Per poi chiudere a 1,34 a dicembre dello stesso anno.  Nel periodo analizzato il tasso di inflazione è oscillato rimanendo intorno al 2%.  Ebbene tutte questi dati mi fanno indurre a evidenziare che con l'introduzione dell'euro l'Italia non ha più potuto far leva sulla svalutazione, rendendo competitivi i prodotti sul lato prezzi.  La mancanza di una vera politica economica europea ha indotto la BCE a tutelare la moneta solo sull'inflazione, anche a costo di ampliare il divario tra la finanza e l'economia reale. Solo di fronte ad un probabile scoppio di una crisi economica epocale, la BCE ha iniziato ad operare anche “contro” le sue prerogative, acquistando titoli di stato e inondando il mercato di liquidità finalizzata ad abbassare il costo del denaro. Ma ormai era troppo tardi.  L'uomo della strada si è ritrovato a lavorare in aziende che pur essendo ben strutturate, hanno perso competitività per the prices of their products, in exchange against € $, our currency has seen good progress, thus making it difficult to export. While both the Italian market saw reduced domestic consumption, as a result of increases in prices that I mentioned above, which together have contributed to the fear and / or actual loss of jobs, to significantly reduce household consumption. What can I say. To me, the crisis in Italy is not over yet and the impact on businesses will begin to see in 2011. What to do? To tell the truth. I do not know, because it is something greater than ourselves, of our country. Unless you come to govern a "crazy" that performs real reforms. But now I see no fool. So all that remains is the "pull a living" or expect intervention "foreigner" (perhaps a strong recovery in Germany and / or USA), which, moreover, has always been the sad story of our nation.
Leonardo Lucacci

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Environment Committee about the Decree Law 155 on Benzo (a) pyrene

Wednesday last ACP, represented by Anna Maria Moschetti, was heard at the Environment Committee at Montecitorio about Decree Law 155 on Benzo (a) pyrene.
E 'were presented with the' appeal of pediatricians and our concerns about the health of children exposed to benzo (a) pyrene but also industrial vehicular traffic.
We did the present critical situation of the population insists Valsugana where as a steel mill in Taranto. This was followed by a press conference: Read the guide - listen to audio

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Adventure World Juniors in Portugal for three skaters pierissine

Last remnants of the season for the Figure Skating Pieris. After the organizational success and competitive stored in the 7th Regional Trophy as the lead in performance and image of the sports club Pres Zorzin also tackles the last two months of the year with great expectations and commitment.

for the contest remind the participation of three red and white athletes at the upcoming World Championships in Portugal. On the track of the Portimao Arena 'homonymous tourist resort on the beautiful beaches of the Atlantic pierissine athletes will line up in the blue jersey to defend the Italian national team debut at Portimao FIHP
World Italian Champion of the Junior Solo Dance ALESSANDRA SAIN: a resume to envy, which consists of four European Cup titles, the Italian title in 2010 and as many national silverware, not to mention the many other benefits in various national and international trophies and tournaments.
Alessandra, 17 years old, a student trained by Giulia Zorzin and Fabio Hollan, going to the skating world forum of its strong successes won before, but aware of the strength of the opponents he will encounter, especially Americans, our usual bête noire, and the hosts with the Portuguese Giant Ines, on the other beaten several times by our Alex, but that obviously enjoys favorable factor to her home.
Un lungo e metodico lavoro di preparazione nei mesi estivi che ha impegnato la Sain con i suoi allenatori fanno ben sperare, la forma c’è ma soprattutto la consapevolezza e la volontà di giocare tutte le carte e portare a casa un buon risultato.
Altre due atlete del pattinaggio Pieris saranno impegnate ai Mondiali nella specialità Gruppi Spettacolo: sono GIULIA ZORZIN, nella doppia vesta di allenatrice della citata Alessandra Sain e componente, assieme all’altra pierissina FRANCESCA BIBALO, nel gruppo spettacolo “REVIVAL”. La formazione veneto-giuliana, fregiatossi in primavera del Titolo Italiano di Specialità, è formata da pattinatori della società Pattinaggio Breganze, atleti triestini del Jolly e le ragazze Pieris, with choreography by Sandro War on Ancient Egypt. After these transfers
world pierissina the sports club is already preparing for the highlight of the final season of the show Essay skating program on track via A. Frank Pieris 18 and 19 December coating that acts as an end of this 39th season of rewarding activities will also be an opportunity to begin the 2011 season of celebrations of the 40th
of Trustees.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Danger Is My Bag Messenger Bag

Dissolution of a single room? Got to do what the cabbage

There are many ways to solve a political crisis but the important thing is to get out well. It means first of all come out well in accordance with the rules laid by our Constitution. The hypothesis that some members of the PDL have made as to whether to dismiss one House of Parliament seems more a discourse tainted by abuse Constitution does not condone what else, but since there seems to be a veiled consensus around this view, can be interesting that even here we should be discussing a bit '. To begin with it is good to admit that the government must have the confidence of both chambers (Art. 94) which means to trust a report of a political nature between the government and both houses of Parliament. Mind you, a problem of a political nature, the lack of trust between the Chamber of Deputies and the government can not be thought to overcome with an extraordinary measure of a constitutional nature. It 'true that, formally, the Port can melt even a single person (Article 88), but this hypothesis has its own sustainability policy rather than constitutional in nature. The constitutional law is an instrument in the service of politics, but not for this you have to bend to politics. The early dissolution of a "drama" constitutional, is the certificate of premature death of a Legislature that serious problems relating to parliamentary life has not been able to complete his term, but an act of extraordinary importance that it is only by Chapter State can not be taken if not in the interest of the country everything. It 'clear even to the creatures that the dissolution of the room "bad" would result in the PDR typhoid implied in favor of those political forces that occupy most of the benches of the House otherwise good solution would make no sense even from the start. Moreover, such a measure would lead to a mismatch on the timing of parliamentary life for our perfect bicameralism seems unthinkable. In fact, the historical examples do not stand comparison with the current; what happened in '53 to '63 touches the constitutional nature of the problem is the realignment of the Houses of parliamentary life, after the initial decision of the Constituent to last six years the regular term of the Senate. In short, the policy review is a division and the law stands or falls mainly for its certainty. Making questionable legal certainty means first of all to undermine the integrity of the system and not offer bold solutions and impartial. In my opinion, the only positive aspect of this hypothesis is that presumably the no-confidence motion submitted to the Chamber of Deputies will be discussed around December 16 after the turn of the 14th, so if we started talking even now probably sensible road we ended up bored.

Thomas C.

Monday, November 8, 2010

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Family policies: what direction?

A famous lawyer, when asked about the definition of law, described this as the answer a population is given against a specific problem in a specific historical period. I intruding with this reference to give land to a statement from the Minister Maurizio Sacconi delivered at the Second National Conference on Family: "The aid must be provided only for the natural family based on marriage and procreation-oriented." Although this statement is followed by the statement that such aid should be extended to the so-called de facto couples, this is an issue that regularly back in the limelight and invariably creates a rift not only between the sides but also within the parties themselves. Undoubtedly it is a node that is to insist on a conception of social policies and how they relate to some Christians, certainly affects all as citizens. So, what do you think?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Interview with Luca Trabucco

The editorial this week published the full text of the interview with Luke Trabucco, leader of the PDL of Newfoundland B.ni, a mayoral candidate of the center of the latest elections.

Hello Luke, thanks for accepting to answer our questions.
paints a fictional scenario: a few hours in Newfoundland citizens will again be called to the polls, the last few minutes of silence election and you're on stage to give the last speech: "Dear voters, if I had to tell three key issues that would face an administration led by me now, they would ..

The scenario you painted is pushed far forward, for several reasons including "primarily" my eventual ricandidatura that is not at all obvious, in fact I want to clarify that first of all are the ideas and programming and then the people, the second aspect is the contextualization of any future elections, because if these events in the short term there would be a completely different situation that in three years. Certainly the present situation in which "survived" our town is extremely delicate because both structurally and economically the way the administration is no longer appropriate with the current times.
It is clear that the main objectives of a new administration is the vital
reform of local machine, then I think the optimization and saving public money by using internal resources which the City has widely available, a recovery of certain externally managed services through the company, significantly reducing the external advice on tax planning and that can be performed within our offices and then enhance the administrative capacity with the 'organization, timeliness of intervention and the spirit of service. Savings that would allow us to return to invest in services and facilities to the citizens, to maintain a balance of quality and cost proposal, and strengthen the network of social support in this time of crisis.
programming becomes of fundamental importance, now sadly forgotten, figure out which direction to bring Newfoundland, and urban planning with the sustainable development of new areas (industrial, commercial, residential, public) related to the recovery of old settlements and the Old Town and to the connection between them, the development of urban and suburban mobility also through alternative systems of navigation, location infrastructure is strictly necessary for our common and economically with the placement of targeted interventions to safeguard and develop our business, returning to attract investment in our region, improving the quality of the inside of our city, with the understanding that having other neighboring cities with more possibilities than our reality, we must be good to diversify the opportunities of our territory, pointing through informed choices and feasible to improve the quality of life in Newfoundland.
The administration should take responsibility (as well as schools) to bring the spirit or better education of a civic community through actions of information, control and management of services: if we really want to go in the direction of sustainability, we must begin to make real tracks, which committed the city to open to a policy of energy saving (mandatory in new construction) , the culture of water use (alternative fuel supplies differentiated), reduce production waste and increase recycling, using alternative means of travel. The decisive factor is that the government provides the tools for achieving sustainability and as agents and controller to enforce the rights and duties of citizens and to require the citizen compliance with the rules and coexistence. Bringing Newfoundland to invest in modernization and innovation, separate concepts, in order to improve the quality of the community.

Fini in his speech at Mirabello said: " It can not be part of something that no longer exists. The PDL does not exist anymore. Ultimately, it can speak of an enlarged force Italy .. " What do you feel to tell your electorate? Luca Trabucco voting to citizens who have made the cross symbol on the PDL? What scenarios are now open for you at the local level, against what is happening nationally?

Frankly what concerns me most is the general state in which they live today our policy from either side.
As for the local sphere, I would first like to thank those who have given us confidence in putting the vote on the PDL list. The citizens turned to reconfirm the commitment made a real and necessary change to our administrative management as outlined above is no longer in step with the times and highlights the profound shortcomings.
level "operational" using this term, I see big problems in Newfoundland following the decisions at the national level, because we have always expressed and maintain, first of all that is Newfoundland and the program and then the parties who wish to subscribe. Newfoundland lives in a phase that requires strong choices shared wide-ranging, and it is right that the PDL is look around in order to expand and deal with all the political forces present and future in order to achieve a common political line, addressed to growth of our city. At the local level, where most of us know, I think the time is ripe to grow and open minds to a strong policy of aggregation, which also targets people of outside the usual political roles, workers, students, businessmen, entrepreneurs, professionals, etc. .. dall'autoreferenzialità out that sometimes they have parties.
Personally I think it is also necessary to bring the people in politics and policy back to actively involve citizens in decisions, to ensure that there is a drift indifference to or ignorance of the facts.
Not to sound demagogic, but split the national level where everyone chooses according to his own sense of belonging, and the local level where there are different realities and needs, where people are different.
but remains as a benchmark, in both cases, the necessary moral and ethical conscience of the political issue, which is above every party and every flag. Personally I believe more in ideas and values \u200b\u200bthat made a priori in opposition, I hope to see a center (if that term still current) and modern liberal reformer.

Your experience in the PDL of Newfoundland, one of your budget on your business policy: A Reflection on the road that has been made so far, what could be a better deal? There were mistake? If so, what?

Unlike the problems at the national level, I think the PDL Terranuovese have conscientiously carried out its mandate until now, trying to involve citizens in the various initiatives, listening to and involving them in activities undertaken. I think as a force of opposition we have done an excellent job, both in the control objects in a manner determined by the choices that we were going against the common good is being proactive looking for shared (we have proposed a dozen motions in a year) fronts opening box.
As in all things we could do better, but worse, I think that we paid attention to the res publica is felt with good feedback, and praise from people with dedication and passion have grown and become reality this party, which for a common interest, and every day and listen to "work" for our fellow citizens. This is probably the key, despite a national level, the PDL is not doing a good impression prevail and where certain personalities, there are people who daily puts his face and the soul and certainly deserves more respect.
hope that in the near future, it can be ad un programma come ho detto
maggiormente condivisibile e concertato, proprio in virtù di quel senso di responsabilità che ci deve portare a vedere al di là dei confini del singolo partito, e non commettere l'errore di essere settoriali e autosufficienti, se vogliamo veramente crescere.
Io sono ottimista di natura, e nonostante le parti avverse, penso si possa creare veramente un progetto nuovo e positivo, che induca la gente a partecipare e condividere un attività politica concertata a trasparente, tornando ad essere protagonisti della nostra Terranuova.