Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Italy - Libya, not just kissing and Berber tents

The political crises along the southern shore of the Mediterranean are for the 'Italy is a most delicate problem for the other European countries. Not so much energy and migration issues, as well as for the 'evolution of the geopolitical balance in a united front that has historically seen a significant role. A role for more than the war, lost the negative connotations of colonialism, has won many appreciations.
began Enrico Mattei, revolutionizing the rules of oil production and giving African countries up to 75% of the profits, instead of 50% imposed by the hitherto seven sisters. The same Mattei supported the liberation struggle of Algerians by the French and, after the conquest of 'independence, the Italian government was generous with aid to the new state.
In 1969 it was the turn of Libya. While King Idris, strongly influenced by the British monarch, was in Turkey for spa treatments, a group of colonels of his army, led by Gaddafi, deposed. Years after it was learned that the coup had been prepared in a hotel in Abano Terme with the 'aid of our services and that the media paraded in the winner's parade in Tripoli were mostly Italian, sent to the' occasion. Gaddafi also had no qualms about hunting our fellow citizens and confiscate their property, but worse fate befell the British and the Americans, who lost their military bases and a strong strategic position, while the 'Italy immediately initiated a fruitful collaboration with the new economic regime. Not a few English to believe that the reaction has come soon after, December 12, with the Piazza Fontana bombing, although this hypothesis has not been proven in court. Some, however, are three facts: that the neo-fascist groups accused of the massacre was linked to Prince Borghese, in turn, closely related to the 'British intelligence, that the term' strategy of tension 'was born in the journalistic circles of Great Britain' right in December 1969, the then president of the Republic Saragat, after the massacre, openly called into question the English services.
not resigned to losing his influence in Libya and then in the Mediterranean, London, organized two years after a controgolpe, using groups of mercenaries. But the ship carrying them was intercepted by our intelligence services in Trieste, which warned Gaddafi.
After that removes stains the British government worked out a radical solution. As is clear from documents recently declassified in 1976 planned a coup in Italy, which was blocked by a veto of the German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
Un decennio più tardi, nel 1987, si aprì lo scenario tunisino. L’ anziano presidente Bourghiba, filofrancese, stava perdendo consensi e molti, nel paese, si chiedevano se avesse ancora la lucidità necessaria a governare una situazione sempre più delicata. Fu l’ affare di una notte: il cardiologo e il neurologo personale di Bourghiba stilarono due referti che ne certificavano la sopravvenuta incapacità e al suo posto si insediò il primo ministro Ben Ali, filoitaliano. Una transizione senza spargimenti di sangue, con quello che un felice ossimoro definì un ‘golpe costituzionale’. E un grande successo dei nostri servizi, che precedettero di sole ventiquattro hours a 'similar operation planned by the French with their candidate for the succession.
It is therefore clear that the conflicts of these days call it the 'Italy is particularly sensitive to the choices that lead to a disengagement from Gaddafi, is no longer sustainable after the bloody repression, while also confirming and re-launch cooperation policy with the Libyan people. Knowing that two European countries, Britain and France, Libya and Tunisia have interests that differ radically from ours and are certainly already in action with their structures covered.
To these considerations follows, inevitably, a question: our current political class is all 'height of such a task? Everything suggests, unfortunately, no. On the governance front, a prudent leader would have kept the traditional understatement in partnership with Libya, without providing kiss, Berber tents, and horsewomen emulations bunga bunga. On the face of the opposition should have been avoided in the name of greater national interest, any speculation on the initial hesitation of Berlusconi and Frattini, indecision in which he would debate any executive. But have not spared reproaches and invitations to comply without delay with the other European diplomats. In London and Paris have taken note and rubbed his hands.
Silvio Cazzante


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